for all You've done

Thursday, June 22, 2006

of whys

I'd gone for a morning walk into town just a while ago, and town's so lovely when it's not all crowded and full of people and sweaty bodies. The morning sunshine makes me happy too.

I like walks alone coz they give me time to think, to reflect on my life, to marvel and amaze- at the wonders of things and how they've come to be- and sometimes marvel and amaze at how stupid and silly I'd been, to have done the stuffs that I have, then regret after.

But it's always the case, isn't it? Sometimes you never intend for something to happen, yet it does in a moment of folly, and wham-bam .. there it goes, another ridiculously stupid mark in the history of your life. Hrm.

(Why is it I always have so much to say when I'm alone and walking and thinking but when I have the time/ opportunity to type it out/ pen it down, I can't for the world remember what it was I'd wanted to say. Garh.)


Some time ago I was at a shop getting a top (some really pleated tube top), and there was this girl who was getting the same top as I was. She whined to her boyfriend whilst waiting at the queue for the check out, "I'm going to get fits ironing this!" Phoebe and I gave this slight snicker. BUT TODAY, I think I almost got fits ironing my top that'd came back from the laundry. Oh the horrors- there were just so many pleates it was never-ending, and quite scary at that.

For the longest time I didn't have to look forward to weekends. Every other day was a free day for me and I could do whatever I wished! Which was nice for a while but got mundane. School's taking up a lot more time now and TGIF, tomorrow!

Although having said that, I'm really enjoying lects. Even the Legal History-ish aspects of it (Common Law/ Public Law) that I used to once loath when I had Nigel at Otago last year. Nigel was cool, just perhaps too cool for me, I didn't get 90% of what he was saying, for the entire year :S

God is so good to me. Everything just seems to fall into place as I sit and (still) marvel at His goodness. It's amazing how everything just works out in the end, and you realize that indeed, trust in the Lord. Which I must admit, I was skeptical initially. I didn't know what was going on and being the kid at home- I hardly had any say.

Thank you Lord for saving this wretched child of yours, for making me see light once again, for putting everything in place. I can't imagine going through another year of living that sinful life, albeit it appearing seemingly happy chirpy sweet (sugar + spice and all things nice haha).

Thank you Lord, for all You've done.


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