for all You've done

Sunday, June 25, 2006


The room perpetually smells like someone's been taking a smoke (IN the room). And it stinks quite bad. It's been a mystery for like, EVER, and I think I'm going to die of second-hand smoke rahhhh ...


MSN has crapped out on me and it's highly frustrating when you're in the midst of a convo and you keep getting signed in and out. Me feeling frustrated aside, I feel for those who keep having to see the little "cheryl has just signed in" window pop up every now and then. It's truly annoying, that little box. Maybe I should just disable it.

This morning's bright-and-early running plans were thwarted, even though Joel and I did get up in time and made it to well, my place at given time! Only the skies were cloudy and gloomy and it started pouring :( poobums. Sat in the lounge and watched Dodgeball for the rest of the morning. Senseless humour but entertaining nevertheless. Zhi bailed out on us, so I had no breakfast partner today! Cereal looked rather pathetic coz someone had left just that last bit of milk, and forgotten to put a new carton in the fridge. Jeepers! So it was heaps of cereal in my cereal bowl, and probably 2 tablespoonsful of milk. I do not like freshmilk unchilled. It's just wrong.

There's not much I can do online now, everything's moving at a snail's pace. So I'm reading Contract. Some umm .. light reading. Bedtime stories! :D I used to convince myself I'd read Nigel's Legal History before bedtime, and indeed they were bedtime stories. Put me to sleep instantly. Works like a charm I tell ya ;) Needless to say I never read much of Legal History, which was also my own funeral. Boo ... my bad.


I had Von, Matthew, Zhi, and Joey over Saturday evening. We were in town after YA service and couldn't decide on where to dine at. Which is always an irony to me, seeing as how Singapore's supposedly a food haven. Indeed it is. And it's precisely because of that we're often spoilt for choice. I never had such a luxury back in NZ, it's such a pain trying to decide between um, Apsara or Sampan or Asian or Meredian (read: BK) or Tokyo Garden/Express. Which by the way, serves almost the same food. It's a matter of whether we'd like to come out smelling like Sampan today, or whether we'd like to get ripped off by Tokyo Garden/Express, or whether we're willing to walk the distance all the way past the Octagon for Asian. Or, of course, Flying Squid, which spells oil and more fat (and coming out smelling like fish and chips ;) ).

(The Japanese/ Korean/ Cambodian/ Vietnamese restaurants all dump non-authentic dishes into their menu. Every said restaurant has Singapore noodles (will you beat that? WHAT is Singapore noodles anyway?), sushi, burgers, ramen, and everything assorted. It amuses us a lot.)

So round and round we went, and finally decided to have pizza at Cheryl's. Yay. However, the parents were so sweet to drive out to grab some dinner for us. 'Twas a nice cosy night :)

I really enjoyed the company.


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