for all You've done

Thursday, August 24, 2006

janery, febery, mary

Edwin never fails to feed me with bloggable events every Wednesday!

Today I found out that he doesn't know the months of a year! Which is appalling! He has no idea how many months in a year there are, what they're called, let alone what comes before/after what. So I spent a very long time making him learn and spell it.

And as you'd have guessed, the process was HILARIOUS.

Anyways, after making him LEARN the months of a year, I tested him several times and each time he'd forget the same months, get stuck at the same months that kinda thing. ESPECIALLY AUGUST. And September, and October, and November, and December and... yeah you get the idea.

Me: What month are we in now???
Him: Hungry Ghost month.

LOL. You know I really CANNOT believe that kid. He NEVER fails to crack me up. Severely. So much so that I burst a rib laughing or something man.

Then of course, after August, comes September, then lo and behold! AUGUST AGAIN! Only my little tutee is capable of doing something like that hehe. You know, August1, August2 that kinda thing. A few Augusts in a year, you know?

And... For some bizarre reason...

"Janery, Febery, Mary..."

Over and over again!

So the new and revised version of Edwin's Months-In-A-Year sounds something like:
"Janery, Febery, uh... What I always say ah? MARY! *both of us crack up* Oh I know already! March, Aperl Fool, MAY, JUNE, JULY (loud and clear coz those were the first three he managed to master!)... *thinks for freaking long, whilst I stare daggers (read: don't tell me you don't know this- WHAT MONTH ARE WE IN NOW?!) at him* err... AUGUST! ... September, Augus.. EH... OCTOBER! NOVEMBER! DECEMBER!"


Hehe I'm so proud of him! We both are! So we jumped about, yay-ed very loudly, so high and happy!!! Not only is he able to recite the Months-In-A-Year in his version, he knows them off his head randomly too!

Yipeedoodah! I love that kid. Super very much.


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