for all You've done

Thursday, August 17, 2006

train tales

Imagine a typical Science experiment set-up. 2 see-through boxes, one containing a slice of toast, the other with a normal piece of bread, and a glass of water next to it.

Q: A few days later, John discovers mould on the bread in the second set-up. What can he conclude from this experiment?

I hadn't expected an answer from my tutee. Well, clearly, since it was left blank, so Cheryl's supposed to fill in the blanks and teach him right? But as I read it out to him, provoking a smart guess... indeed I got one:

"Cannot eat, throw away, waste money."

You simply have no idea. How I cracked up. Following the all-too-familiar, "REALLY MAH... *insert cheeky grin*"

AND, it's beyond me why he keeps spelling bread mould as 'bread mouth'!!!!!! It's really funny but I just can't fathom why! Week after week! Bread mouth! "CORRECT WHAT!!!! I check dictionary they spell like that also!"

"What is the fungi called?"
"Spell 'mould'."
"What is this *points to mouth*?"
"Spell 'mouth'."
"M-o-u-t-h... Eh?... *REALIZATION DAWNS...*"

Once again, we're both left speechless. LOL.

(Which reminds me of Angela, this PRC girl who sat next to me for Eco in 6th Form. One day she was trying to ask me something and went on and on but I just couldn't grasp what the heck she was on to, "mouse" this "mouse" that. THEN SHE POINTED TO HER MOUTH. "Mouse ah!" She sounded so exasperated like as if I'd been the dumb one the entire time. I wanted to die coz I'd spent the last few minutes trying very hard to understand her.)

Oh yeah and he has a never-ending supply of erasers too! Every week without fail somehow he'll misplace his eraser, and conveniently go to the drawer to get a new one still wrapped in plastic. Why am I so amused?


On the way home today, at Dhoby Ghaut, the train came and it was one of those that was packed with the massive after-office crowd. One of those that could stuff maybe 5-7 more people (per carriage) MAX. So the people who had to alight did, and the 5-7 people who managed to get on did. THEN CAME THIS WHOLE HOARD OF INDIAN TOURISTS who squeezed their way into the carriage and pushed everyone even closer than everyone already was.


Shucks man, we were all too close for comfort, I could feel the baby behind me pressed onto my back, and one of them Indians standing in front of me kept moving her head such that her hair kept sweeping my face AAAAGGGHHHHH! The other one next to me had bad body odour, and being short, the air down there isn't that fresh. PLEASE, if you're gonna intend to squeeze with a large crowd in the train, please at least refrain from smelling so bad.

I ended up having to tilt my head up to gasp for air every now and then, had absolutely no intention to be rude but yeah. Can't be helped. Then there was this girl who was reading off the Single Trip Standard Ticket and announcing very loudly to the whole gang, "This ticket is only valid for one day on the MTR rahrahrah..." And she kept reading it as MTR! How does that happen?!!

Ok sorry. I just had a crazy ride back on the train. Thank God it was only for 2 stops. Tormenting enough. You know when you're packed so closely to each other, there really is no need to freaking SHOUT. The entire carriage can hear you for cryin' out loud.


Although having said that, it's been most definitely a lovely day/week-to-date.

But why do you have to make things so hard for me? Sigh.


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