for all You've done

Monday, August 07, 2006

monday avo racket

Gee the Botanic Gardens has been blasting patriotic National Day songs ALL AFTERNOON non-stop and it was starting to get on my nerves especially since one of the last songs goes like this: Happy birthday to Singapore, happy birthday to Singapore, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to Singapore (repeat 3x). Following which the National Anthem comes on.

Being the concerned (read: nosey) resident (but had the huge pavillion roof obstruct part of my view), I decided to pop across to check the din out.

Lo and behold. There was a whole CHOIR belting out a medley of National Day songs, in English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. And they all looked so chirpy and joyful to be singing (with cutesy hand actions and dance steps) the medley over and over again on a Monday afternoon!!!!!!!

Anyway I think it's for some National Day event tomorrow morning at 9. Which means waking up to MORE of that! Ack.


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