for all You've done

Saturday, July 29, 2006

7 on a friday evening

Gmail's crapped out on me and I've got so many mails to reply! Argh.

So tonight we had a small group for cell again coz a few of the cellmates have taken ill, and some had other commitments. God bless those who couldn't make it today wherever they were, whatever they had to do, and I pray that He'll lay His healing hands on those who're ill and make them well again.

With a small cozy group, we played the old school newspaper game, and Sharon wanted it challenging so we started off with a piece of newspaper from "mindyourbody". Yes, teeny.

In all my excitement to snap pictures of the winning BOYS team, a coupla of them turned out blury. Gutted. But nevertheless ...

Presenting to you 3 (of 4) of the HUH guys:
Liang DA MAN (super strong!), Joey (small and compact, easy to piggyback!), Marshall.

Nothing will cause their (semi) human pyramid to tumble ;)

Super cute! A thrilled Hui Jia in the background.

GROUP HUG!!!!!! :p

Love the cell.


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