for all You've done

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

crazy antics


So I was diligently (no, REALLY) doing my Criminal stuffs on automatism when Yi dropped by to chat. I thought I was the only one with a shopping disease but noooo! Yi's fretting, too. There are always things to fret about (re: shopping, that is). Like whether or not you should make that sinful purchase, whether it's worth it, whether you should even be pampering yourself (yet again- because apparently the last time was The Last Time), then what design/colour/pattern you should get it in, what size fits best, then- oh! When you've finally decided to go for it, lo-and-behold! No size! No stock! No this and that! So maybe God is saying no. Hrm. The latest, as it is, is fretting about not having someone overseas who's coming back soon. (Right, Yi?) Go figure. Heh. On the way home today it started pouring so I had to seek shelter at Ngee Ann City. Rang the Mom, and since, coincidentally she had a facial appointment at Takashimaya in the late afternoon, thought I'd just wait up for her so we could go home together.

What better opportunity/excuse to check the sale at Mango out. It was really disappointing but I was secretly happy there was nothing to tempt myself with. Anyway Dad gave Mom a ride to Takashimaya so I hitched a ride back! Wasn't raining anymore anyway. Weather was soooo cool! I lourve! :)

Ooh. Yay. The inconsiderate security guard from across the road has turned his stupid radio off. Retired for the night I see. Why do managements of private estates even bother hiring security guards at night, since all they do is to sleep the night away anyway? They leave the barrier open, such that any vehicle has entrance to the private estate. Either that or they're just too old/fat to move very fast, should anything happen. Maybe plonking an old AND fat security guard is meant to deter potential buglars and what have you. It's all in the mind. Maybe residents feel safer with the knowledge of a guard .. guarding the estate. Seriously doesn't work that way though. Fat sloppy security guards. Rah.

So we were chatting about Mutant Mangoes (still amazed- one Mutant Mango can feed a family substantially for after-dinner fruits), and somehow the topic of Joel sending us the same text came about. "I'm in a rubbish truck. Yuck so smelly". Ok. Firstly, duh. Rubbish trucks are not meant to smell like a bed of roses, or even anything close. Secondly, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING IN A RUBBISH TRUCK JOEL CHAN? Hahahahahahaha I got that text during Criminal and I had to stifle my laugh coz Anandi was a little anal today, for whatever reason, snapping at us for nothing.

Mutant Mangoes and me going to attempt to stuff myself with the whole thing someday, brought about the topic of Joel (yes, again) and his leg of ham. One fateful Friday before cell, Joel and I were at Carrefour in search of food (before our Ikea dinner with the rest). Then Joel set his eyes upon a full leg of ham and said he'd once bought the whole thing and wanting to be barbaric, he started gnawing at the leg of ham as it was. And finished the entire thing. By himself. Without slicing the ham up.

I was ... beyond words (still am). But still managed to talk him outta getting another leg of ham for pre-dinner snacks. Had to put a stop to his umm, caveman ways. LOL.

Did you know that being diabetic could give you defenses of automatism and insanity if you decide to do something nutty? There are, of course, strict requirements. But yeah. WOW!

Ok gonna have to embrace myself for the following two days of Public Law. Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

bout shopping disease... sigh.. it's really tempting. and my QT yesterday was about materialism! how i've been enticed by materialism. Ahhh.. how apt. More of wants than needs. =(
i can't help but keep laughing at the mutant mango and the leg of ham. ha..
and did i tell you i like the way you blog!

8:06 PM  
Blogger Cheryl Chan said...

I'm flattered! And thank you! Hehe.
Ayeee Yi, it's always a Want and almost never a Need I reckon. We're so blessed beyond measure such that everything we've ever needed have been provided for by our folks. Basic food and shelter, in fact it's so much more than basic. Multitudes of love care concern.
We've gotta curb that desire and cure ourselves of that disease LOL.

12:35 AM  

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