for all You've done

Monday, July 03, 2006

monday greens

Having Mondays off makes me a fat procrastinator. I'm under the impression that I've got a lot of time on my hands over the weekends soooo, yes it's Monday again today and I've got a Criminal essay to be turned in tomorrow! And I'm typing this amidst doing other unnecessary things like reading stuffs and ummm, shopping online.

I haven't been shopping in a looooong time, especially since the GSS has started, it almost feels as if the whole of Singapore is in town prowling the streets and malls for some cheap good deals. Which is why the city is so crowded and sickening over the weekends. Everyone loves a good deal.

However because I can't imagine walking body-to-body, face-to-back-of-head with some sweaty random stranger, I'd rather not join in the rat race, and remain sane somewhere else.

Besides, the stuffs left on the shelf when Cheryl comes along are always 5 sizes too big or just very gaudy. So more often than not, I'd end up getting the non-sale items. Which defeats the purpose of having to squeeze with the rest of Singapore for a good deal. Hrm.

Ok did I just type all that out to justify why I'm even shopping online? Haha.
(It's such excitement when the parcel comes through the mail, by the way.)

It's been many minutes and I'm still wondering how to get about tackling the darned OL essay. And I'd probably only get down to serious thinking in the unearthly hours tonight. .......... I work better under stress haha.

OOOH lookie check this out. I was randomly surfing, and found this at the Ministry of Youth Affairs New Zealand site:

Ever felt like today's youngsters are speaking a different language? The following table (courtesy of the Ministry of Youth Affairs) aims to allow many of us brush up on some current youth terms...

FUNNY! I can't believe they actually took the trouble to compile something like that! It's like seeing all the slangy/ teenager stuffs we used to say being penned down by adults who're really trying hard to be a blender LOL. Ayeee, those were the WGC days ;)

Accidentally triggered something off and the Chinese text thingum came up. Lookie what I managed! 我的名是陈嘉欣我很乖!Hehe. (Um, that's the right character for guai right?)


We had Lydia and Nat over for dinner this evening, for some Singapore-lovin' home cooked food :)

It was such a massive spread, what supposedly was meant to be just a "simple meal". Hosts (and especially the cook), will always be so modest. Dinner big enough for a 6 pax dinner.

Dad single-handedly whipped up the prawns, pacific clams, veg, steamed fish, and granted we got the chicken from the stalls heh. Topping it up with soup brewed since the arvo, Cantonese-styled. ALL BY HIMSELF! I umm .. arranged the chicken.

I know we often take it forgranted, and never say this enough, but DAD IS SUCH AN AWESOME COOK. I'm full of awe and admiration for my Dad, who always tries to provide us with home-cooked food, no matter how busy he is. Yes, my Dad does the cooking at home, and does an excellent job at that.

I was gonna take a pic for the sista who's missing it all, but everyone seemt to have sunk their chops in the glorious food before anything. Hrm.

We all had fat and full stummies after, had a whole heap of fruits, before Mom had the dessert served up. Phood, PHOOOD and MORE PHOOOOOOOOOD!!!!

The sibs are thankful to escape the crazy winter in Dunnerz for a short break back here. My poor sister's stuck back there doing research on a cold winter's night LOL.

Lydia keeps urging me to go back to Dunnerz buttt nay. I'm lovin' it here, more than I ever did. And I thank God DAILY for that. Praise God! Over and over again!


Can't wait for Christmas.

Edit: Joel and I finally went for the Thai Fest at the Royal Thai Embassy, on its last day (ie, today)! It was quite disappointing actually, to say the least. There wasn't much. Poobums. I want the real thing! Someone organise a trip to Thailand pretty please!! Will love you for .. a long time hehe :p

OK. Time to embark on The Essay.


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