for all You've done

Friday, June 30, 2006

pouty pouty

Cheryl feels so cheated!!!!!! :(


2nd consecutive day I met my Mom after school for her shopping escapade after work :) So we could go home together, and also to carry some of her shopping bags haha.

Had a long-as day at school today, so thought I'd take my lappy along for entertainment purposes. There isn't wireless at my school yet (poobums), but I enjoyed the good music over the really short break we were given in between Criminal and Common Law. Just enough time for us to chow down all the chips, half a burger and half a bottle of green tea. In record time.

Also made a recent discovery that I walk past my Mom's all time favourite baking shop everyday on the way to school. Ran a little errand and replenished some of her baking supplies- bread flour and bread improver (???) this arvo before meeting up with her, which wasn't very timely. The lappy's heavy, the bag's heavy with MORE new Judicial Precedent notes- a thick stack at that.

We got some mangoes on the way home. Mangoes so huge we thought they were papayas from afar. SERIOUSLY WILL YOU BEAT THAT! Finally a far cry from scrawny skinny mangoes I always see around. I miss the big red Australian mangoes! But the ones we got this evening were like mutants or something. I've never seen any mango like that before. It's ... wow.

This is where I'm going to start whining about how I got cheated.

This morning on the way to school, I'd passed by the Thai Embassy and realized they were having some sort of a Thai Fair which is how very excitement!! Replied to Joel's text and told him about it, that all of us should visit it sometime soon.

On the way home, he texts to say he wants to go to the Fair, and wants me to ask the rest. So I did. And um, no one really got back to me 'cept Joey. Maybe coz I'd typed his full Thai name out conscientiously, with much effort, blood and sweat. Hahahaha. Ok where was I. Oh yes, meanwhile I'd already taken my shower and decided on what I should wear, CHANGED (oh by the way I'm already at home at this point of time, if you didn't follow. Haha!) and after much deliberation, Joel realises that by the time we make our way down to the Thai Fair, we wouldn't have much time left.

And Joey wants to catch Superman. As in watch the movie. Um .. yes. So change of plans! Which were fine by me! I'm kinda sweet with anything. Just y'know, I'd like to get out soon after I've changed kinda thing.

Anyway the story ends when my fellow Chan tells all of us that HE HAS TO GO BACK TO CAMP (to sew some stuffs on the new uniform). Bleah. What's so important it couldn't wait till the next morning really. Army. Hah.

Ok to be fair I know it isn't your fault Joel. Heh ... but since you keep feeling so guilty then .. yeah. Time to exploit and go for a ride! Nah just jokes :p

"Why do you feel so guilty anyway when Joey doesn't even feel anything?"


Which, I remember, the Sunday after Retreat- where I'd just got to know Von, Huiyi, Joel & Grace, we were loitering about outside the Chapel coz it was pouring profusely and there was no way we could get to town without getting drenched. Then comes along this guy, whom the rest have asked for a ride to town, and were refused by him. (We later got a ride to the bus stop across church from this other guy, Ricky, who made 2 trips just to get all 6 of us over :D) For the rest of the afternoon, all of them were griping about "Joey" who "will never feel guilty one la", as Von tried sending texts which contained our sob stories, of how we were "cold and shivering in the rain". "Won't work one lor! Joey will never feel bad one!"


So that was my "first impression" of someone I hadn't yet known. Just to clarify though, Joey's an awesome person nonetheless :) And of course everyone said what they did in jest and nothing more.


After prancing about my house for the longest time, talking to the parents and watching bits of the telly here and there, my Mom asked, "I thought you were going out?".

"Bailed out on me."


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