for all You've done

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

water purifiers

Last night whilst watching the 9pm serial with the fam (YES I watch Ch8 shows! And read subtitles!) I received a call from a random person. Who promptly informed me about some survey I'd done (???) and "CONGRATULATIONS we've arranged an interview for you!".


Firstly I can't remember when and what survey I'd done. Of late I have been filling in surveys those poor teens have been approaching me for. I used to just smile and decline but why not since I've got the time and if that'll mean one less survey for them. Soo anyway. Oh yeah since when did filling in a survey form lead to being granted an interview!!!!!!? And praytell for what? But since the guy over the phone was going on and on, and I didn't have any lects today, I decided to go on down anyway. BAD MOVE.

Anyway the gist of it all was how I wasted half a day watching a presentation of a water purifier, and various experiments which were quite cool, that also kept me awake. I don't know how true this is, but apparently when you eat a chicken, you eat the hormones injected into its body as well, and that's what makes you age. The presenter said she was a classic example. "I am 18 but I know I look 25, 26 right?" Suddenly I was awake. All throughout I thought she must've been like 28-30ish. Ayeee ...

She was very nice to have kept me involved in her little experiments coz she knew I was this close to falling asleep. I was already spacing out. Hey man it's a nice sunny arvo out there! Not for sticking around listening to water being purified etc.

After the lengthy presentation, we had to listen to another guy talk about his business plan. SO this whole deal was for them to discuss their business plan. Pfffffft. Another hour later, yet another guy came along to talk to us. Gosh it felt like it was never gonna end. Was stuck with the after-office-hours crowd on the way home.

It's all good I guess. I learnt quite a bit on water purification. Not the process per se. More like the benefits and stuff. It's an eye opener.

Dad texted "Always remember there's no free lunch in the world! This is like time-sharing." Thing is, at least for time-sharing, you're given some incentive after sitting through the pointless couple of hours. We sat through almost 4 hours of presentation/talks back-to-back without even being given a bottle of purified water the company's trying to sell! :o

So much for an "interview" aye?


Speaking of which, I'd told my dad about how the security guard at BGardens View was quite nasty and rude to Joey last week(?) and he's like "That guy's a bit crazy la. He yawns so loudly at night!" I don't understand why old men have to yawn so loudly, especially when our neighbourhood is so .. echoey? No. Hrm what's the right word to use. We can actually hear a conversation clearly right where we are from when they're at the ground level, speaking at a normal tone. Or hear the house phone ring when we're at the carpark. Things like that. What more yawning like loud yawns could save your life.


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