for all You've done

Saturday, July 01, 2006


It's quarter to 5, and I'm wide awake.

(Note: pointless entry ahead)

I'd stayed up watching the game between Germany and Argentina with Matthew a while before, then watched more tv and did some light reading before attempting to retire for the night. But I've been tossing and turning in bed for the past almost 2 hours, watching the tealight from my aromatherapy stand flicker about, threatening to die out for a long time already, but still hasn't.

Truth is, I am very, very tired. I just can't seem to go to sleep.

Soon the sky will be bright again, and everyone else will be up and ready to embrace a brand new day.

During cell earlier on in the evening, my heart felt extremely heavy, to the point I really wanted to cry. Beats me why though. So I prayed and asked the Lord. But yeah.

On the way home, I passed a young, pretty girl jogging. It was already 11ish. Said a little prayer for the Lord to protect and watch over her, because it just isn't very safe to be going for a run alone at that time, especially when BGardens is still undergoing some construction and there're heaps of well, foreign workers around. I'm not trying to stereotype or anything like that, but you know the danger that lies ...

Can't wait for tomorrow already :)
This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

It was cool watching soccer with the brother. Am not sure if you're not supposed to be talking heaps when one's intently watching on, but I did anyway hehe. And it just occured to me I must've sounded like the ultimate bimbotic sister who was watching soccer for the first time LOL. But hey! At least I wasn't cooing over the players ok.

I can fully understand why everyone's so excited watching a game. It IS exciting, especially when you're rooting for a team, which I wasn't. My initial intentions were to provide my brother with some soccer-watching company, coz my Dad had already gone to bed after the 1st half of the game, and it is more fun to watch a game with someone else umm .. right? But like I said, don't know if I was annoying him too much with my constant babble heh. *Sheepish*

And if you'd believe it, I did the hula-hoops whilst watching the game. Yep. Stop sniggering already. Went on for a considerable amount of time, which resulted in my tummy turning red and itchy. Argh. The only other time I encountered anything like that, was when I tried using the U-Zap for 10 minutes. WHOLE tummy turned an awful shade of purple. Lasted for a coupla hours, and it was the most torturing. Blotchy, hot and itchy (yet not really).

I also realized my entire family owns and uses an electric toothbrush, but me. I still prefer the conventional toothbrush. My Mom gave me an extra small toothbrush thingy so I could fit it onto my brother's electric holder (am I making any sense here?) and oh gosh. My nose just vibrates along with the brush in my mouth and I ended up having to multitask even whilst brushing my teeth- brush and rub the nose at the same time.

Mom's got a cool one that beeps after every 30 seconds, prompting you to brush the other part of your mouth. Apparently you're supposed to spend 5 seconds on each tooth, so the whole set of teeth takes 2 minutes. AMAZING HUH. What technology. I can't really be bothered. It makes my nose vibrate (at a high frequency hahahaha).

Hrm what other cool gadgets. Oh yeah the family bread machine (?- maker? Whatever.) It's quite easy to bake bread- you just have to dump all the ingredients in it, press some buttons and some hours later- viola! Fresh bread! The thing is, you are able to set the timer, such that, say- it starts baking whilst you're asleep and is ready when you awake in the morning!

I suspect my Mom slices the bread really thick in the mornings before she rushes off to work and doesn't really have time for equally thin slices. This morning as I made my sammich for brunch, there was some parallex error of some sort, I ended up making a BIG-AS sammich, which I ate till I wanted to die.

I don't think this entry is making any sense. I'm tired and I'm aware I'm speaking (typing) gibberish.

Oh yes I'm very happy for the cell to be using our place if it means convenience for almost everyone! Whoopie! :D

Power 98 is playing a lot of not-so-old skool songs from when I was in high school. Ahh .. reminisce. I'm such a sentimental person. Which could be good and bad at the same time. I realise I keep a LOT of stuffs from well, ages ago. Heaps of letters, little knick-knacks people give me. So much extra baggage.

One last random note. I met the friendliest, most chirpy + cheery bus conductor yesterday as I boarded the bus to school! It really made my day when the bus driver greeted every single commuter "Good morning!" as they went up the bus! I love people who're so positive about everything- the things they do, the stuffs they say, the way they approach situations. People who appreciate everyday in itself, because they're thankful for another day that the Lord hath made.

Such a blessing.


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