for all You've done

Thursday, July 06, 2006

of everything

Today I walked into another part of Singapore.

Ok this will be short. Cheryl has yet another essay to be turned in tomorrow urgh. Oh but we never know :p

It's a little different from stepping into the heartlands of Singapore, whereby it's mostly high-rise HDB apartments, little minimarts and various provision shops lining the ground floors of the apartment blocks, primary & secondary schools here and there. And now it seems like there's a mall at almost every district!

Anyways after school I had to run a little errand for Matthew. Joyce and I made our way towards Bugis and along the way ... we had to walk through Rochor(?) Road. It's hard to describe.

But WOW.

The last time I'd been there was when I was still in primary school, and was sent for some stupid Chinese classes at Fu Lu Shou Complex which I very much dreaded each week. (And hated deeply, needless to say.) The only highlight of being there on Saturday afternoons was waiting whilst my sister gets her turn at Chinese classes (haha!) so my Mommy and I could go shopping at Bugis Junction. Yeah anyway the classes were so hard and I think I wasted everyone's time, money and effort taking me to classes religiously every single Saturday, rain or shine. Because I never did any of the homework assigned to me. Neither did I listen during classes.

It was one of the more popular Chinese education centres at that time, that every kid who went there benefitted from it, everyone but me. Garh. It's tough enough struggling with the language, let alone have LADIES FROM CHINA trying to converse and teach the whole frickin lesson to you in their ... accent. And assign me work that only smart-as kids from China would've been able to tackle effortlessly, without a drop of sweat.

Ok this was supposed to be about Rochor Road.

Yeah but I'm having a little difficulty putting my short experience there into words. Basically it just made me, the ultimate City Girl (somehow this reminds me of Citycabs LOL) open my big eyes even wider, to see well, something completely different from my everyday city life. There were just heaps of old-ish uncles and aunties tending to their little food/clothe stalls. Thing is, everyone just seemt so laidback, and contented kinda thing. Like they're just happy doing whatever they were doing, no competition, no rushing with the rest of Singapore. Just happy to be in that neighbourhood, amongst the rest of their mates :) Also makes me wonder exactly how many out of all the uncles and aunties know Christ and are saved. It'll be great to know that they're happy simply coz they HAVE Christ. Nothing else required.

Something definitely worth a mention tho: you know those push cart $1 ice-cream thingys along the entire stretch of Orchard Road? Well it's only 80cents along Rochor Road LOL. And ice-cream cones are 50cents. HOW MUCH CHEAPER CAN IT GET? And what are they earning really. Hrm.

There were like 5 ice-cream push carts all together in a circle. Cute! Haha.

Bugis Street was crowded with people, people and MORE people 4.30pm on a weekday avo. So weird. And I'd thought it only comes to life at night. Guess there isn't really a specific time where shopping comes alive aye? ;)

I love Bugis Street. It reminds me of a pasar-malam, just a little more up-market hehe. I haven't been to pasar-malams in the longest time. All the FOOD.

Proceeded to the National Library to check a book out for Matthew, only to find out that the 10 over copies they had in the library were strictly for reference. Aaarrrrrrrghhhhhh. So back down town I went, to the Library @ Orchard. The book for his ERP, Little Ironies: Stories of Singapore by Catherine Lim, turned out to be this small and thin paperback. Praytell why 10ish copies had to be classified under reference material. Ack.

Trooped home soon after for dinner with the fam.

Still agonizing over the poisonous looking zit on my chin threatening to ... engulf and kill me or something. Such a hindrance I wish it'll just go away and quit bothering me :(

I also have been eating heaps lately. Eating and growing fat FATTTTTTTTT. I need to run. But I'm so unmotivated to put on those running shoes and head to BGardens, even when it's just a traffic light away, (or just a lane away if you'd like to jaywalk LOL).

Speaking of which, who's still going for the New Balance Real Run? I um, humbly believe we need to train, and there're dates where we could go down to check the route/distance/markers out and things like that. Oh and we need to register too. Most definitely :)

Weather lately has been real hot, to say the least. Which also means being in an air-conditioned place most of the times. Thus the dry skin. Ugh.

I should go visit Dunnerz soon. I really miss the flatties. And the 223B Leith boys. And wearing all my coats and boots. And just the little university town itself. I miss the Farmers Market, that I've only managed to get up in time for it like a few times hehheh. Anyone wants to go to NZ? I'll take ya around Dunedin (Cadbury factory! Speights brewery!) and Wellington (nothing exciting at all!). Then we can go around Auckland (shopping + food!)/ Christchurch (more shopping and more food!) with a map! Hehe. Ok I'm quite keen really. But Thailand first!

Nat's invited us over for his 21st party next Monday. I can't think of what to get.

Ok I was gonna write about something else but .. yes. Shall go do other more important stuffs :D

AND YES! I've most certainly kept this short!
Hehehehehehe :p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! let me be the 1st to tag here or rather leaves a comments! Ya tution agency cheated on you! & ur tution kids are seriously fabulous! ;-)

12:04 AM  

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