for all You've done

Monday, July 10, 2006

viva la italia

2 minutes into the game it occured to me (then I remembered): Of course! The Italy jersey's blue! So pardon my sheer ignorance that led to the outburst of me exclaming about my blue tank not having anything to do with Italy ... *sheepish* Please do not be shocked beyond words or anything. It's only ... normal.

It would've been marvellous if the rest could have joined us last night. We missed you all very much! Um, especially when it was only Yi, Matthew and myself left watching the game when 2am ticked by. VON AND JOEL SLEPT THE ENTIRE NIGHT AWAY RIGHT FROM 11ISH. (Shame on you! :p)

OH YES, a little into the match I went back in, and there Joel was, groggy and squinting at me.
Joel: *rubs eyes* ..... Where am I?
Me: You're in my bedroom.
Joel: *looks at Von on the bed, rubs eyes* Who is she?
Me: She's Yvonne. And I'm Cheryl.
Joel: *rubs eyes* Ya I know.
Me: *gasps and thinks: Wow he does ..* Are you watching with us or not!! Match! Outside!
Joel: *rubs eyes* Where am I?
Me: You're at my place.
Joel: *grunts* Ok no. *retreats back under the duvet*

.................... WAH.

It was a bit of a struggle trying to keep awake. Matthew went to bed at 8 and got up at half past 1, and proved his little strategy to work very well! That boy was multi-tasking watching the game and playing a soccer game on his cellphone at the same time. Eh.

5 minutes before 1st half ended, Yi and I looked at each other: "I'm so sleepy!" LOL.

But we caught most parts of the game :D

It started freezing, both in the room and in the lounge where we were. But because Von and Joel took both the duvets, Yi and I bunked in the lounge instead. Was pouring & thundering- nice and cool, but probably a little too cold.

"Lightning always comes before thunder!" HAHA!

Ok that was random, but speaking of which, we did eventually put on Cars .. and well, didn't get about really watching it. Hrm there must be something about the show aye.

We all got up at 8, washed up and lazed about more, complained more about it being so chilly, yawned a zillion more times (even them both who've slept .. ALL NIGHT. With the duvet some more! The audacity!) Then headed to town for breakfast.

Dropped by Gleneagles before with the intention of looking up Sharon (who couldn't join us the night before because she had to work. Pity.) but we realized we didn't exactly know where she was stationed. Couldn't reach her either so after sitting at the 8th floor and looking clueless for a while, we left for town.

Went to PS after with Yi to get the Fox tanks! Now she's got the same Brazil one as me, only in yellow. Cool beans. I loike! ;)

Nat's 21st tonight. Was bestowed the glorious task of getting the prezzie and I haven't. Gotta hunt for one later in the avo. Ahhh last minute again.


It was so weird as we went for our run at the BGardens yesterday morning. One of them had asked something, and after I'd given an answer, I could just sense the burning desire from the both of them to say something. Yet no one did. Then there was that awkward silence for a coupla seconds.

However all's not lost. They did eventually give it to me at night when ALL of them were there to attack me together and give me a lot of umm, unwanted attention. Hrm. WHY??!

I've got incriminating photos of you guys snoozing away (when you weren't supposed to!) that I said I was gonna shame you both to death. Hahaha .. WELL.

Ok Cherylsleepytimes now. Really exhausted. It was great having you guys over. Thanks for coming all the way down. It was fantastic company, as always :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for having us over! i enjoyed myself too. Muaaaahaha! your couch is really comfy!

12:55 AM  
Blogger Cheryl Chan said...

because I have to approve it HAHA. there you go ;)

11:40 AM  

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