for all You've done

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

mid-essay ramble

You know I really have no idea what to say to someone who's so bent on doing something, yet if you apply the "officious bystander test" (ok I'm kidding... Contract is getting to my head) it's clear that nothing is going to work out for them. Maybe I just don't understand. But it really stinks to see someone in that state, and nothing anyone else says or does would help anyway.

That aside...

Does anyone know where I can get Maple Story stickers? Yeah no they're not for me, in case you were wondering. I know nothing about it- the cute fuzzy(?) characters, how you get about playing it and all that. My little tutee has requested for them. He obviously thinks my stickers aren't cool enough for him. Drats.

Gone are the days where you could easily lure/tempt/con a kid with lollies, and make them do anything/EVERYTHING joyfully, enthusiastically, contentedly, with a happy heart. Now it's more like, "I only like SOME chocolates. I don't like that one with that gold colour wrapper with the yellow thing inside. I don't like (insert long list of confectionery)..."

For the record, he meant Crunchie. Which has hokey pokey in the middle. I don't quite like it either. It gets rather sickening after a while. It's soooooooooo Kiwi, and good if you need a desperate sugar fix. *shudders* And he was also trying to describe something else to me, which sounded very much like Oreo cookies, but I'm still not too sure. HOW could he (or anyone for that matter) not like Oreo cookies!?

Hur hur I remember in 5th form when I was trying to make an Oreo cheesecake, I chucked all the creme out (a good few stacks of it!), coz I'd only needed the cookies.

I like the smell of hokey pokey being made though. The process smells so yummy, and I think that's the highlight-of-the-year for every 4th form Science class. Making your own hokey pokey. Whee! And for 7th form Chemistry (highlight-of-the-year I meant), it'll have to be making sorbet! I remember Shanny making us try her lemon sorbet which was uh, worse than Warheads. Like stuffing 20 lemons in your mouth at a go, if that's even possible. And on top of that, I think she added too much of something, such that it was fizzing up very badly and almost seemt like we were gonna foam at our mouths... LOL.

Hrm I haven't seen my sister online in a long time! I've got a bad urge to fill her in on something, although I can already imagine what she'd say. "I KNEW IT." (If you're reading this... cut it out already!) Ah shucks. Anyhoo, my sister will be coming back in two months' time!

Adding on to this grab-bag entry... My Dad cooked us really yummy dinner yesterday and this evening! We had fried carrot cake and oyster omelette which was SO good. I think he was just trying it out, having bought a big bag of oysters and not knowing what to do with them haha. Really palatable. Love it. My omelette must have had like 20 odd oysters in it man.

Also. I met Pheebs back again after lectures yesterday, at Bugis. And remember one of my older entries about Bugis and its many ice-cream carts just next to another? And how they were only 80cents instead of a dollar? Well, competition must've been tough, coz ice-cream is now 60CENTS. Will you beat that?! How much cheaper can it get and pray tell are they even earning? Which is kind of silly. Coz if every other ice-cream uncle/aunty sells it for 60cents, the competition is still there right? So why bother? Hrm...

I miss ambrosia from Rob Roy dairy at corner Albany/George St :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your tutee is the ultimate lah. maple story stickers? not sure where to get them aye! eh.. can try PASAR MALAMs.. they have tonnes of stickers

12:21 AM  
Blogger Cheryl Chan said...

there are no pasar malams around my estate!!!!! I haven't been to a pasar malam in the longest time.
:( boo.

lunch TMRW! :D

12:37 AM  

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