for all You've done

Monday, December 04, 2006


She's so smart yet I don't understand how she can be so stupid and insensitive sometimes. It really gets on my nerves, and because I can't tolerate being under the same roof- it just agitates me further, I escape to where I always do. So here I am now at Tmall Macas. To attempt some work, away from the snide remarks. Blooh.

Suddenly there're heaps of people, probably a late dinner after the fake snow and avalanche out there. It's the same stuff every year. It's annoying and messy. But it generates revenue for the already thriving-rapidly Mc Donald's, who has been stealthily increasing its prices. Scumbag.

I'm shamelessly occupying a 6-seater without ordering any food. But I don't really care. I'm angsty and I figure I've spent possibly one-tenth of my money on Macas, in my entire life thus far.

Signs to show that I probably should have just gone for a movie with Yarn tonight instead. Bad move.

So this morning when I got up, I decided it was finally time to do my laundry yet again and so I loaded up the machine with my wash. Added washing powder, turned a few knobs, pressed a few buttons and it was good to go. 10 minutes later I walked into the bathroom in the kitchen... And it was freaking flooded.

The washer has broken and my full load of laundry was stuck inside, helpless. So what choice do I have but to handwash my clothes one by one. WOULD YOU BEAT THAT?!

I have never attempted washing so many pieces of clothing (by hand) at once. It's scary the way my laundry piles up within the span of a very short time. Maybe I should recycle clothes...

I then decided to be productive and wash my bathroom as well. Let's just say I scrubbed every nook and cranny and I was beyond exhausted. Finally embarked on my Christmas Story project and I'm almost done for the first bit of it. Hope to get the second half of it done soonest. I'm already running late.

Argh I just hate it when people never appreciate anything you do, and on the contrary complain so much that you never do anything for them. What is this man. Such injustice. And let's face it, nothing will ever suffice, and you're always right, since your conscience is forever clear. Isn't that ridiculous?! I won't even contend anymore. It doesn't matter to me. Granted sometimes when I do stuffs, I do them grudgingly but that's also because, with an obvious air of discontent, you keep criticizing this and that, without a word of thanks, and basically I'm just rather sick and tired of all that bull.

To a point that, yeah it's true sometimes when you ask me to do something and I think to myself: Why should I? But I do it anyway because I respect you.


I can't believe I turned down a coupla movie dates and a shopping sesh just to coop myself up at home doing chores. Urgh. But I guess when it's gotta be done, it's gotta be done.

Sigh. You know it's strange your name keeps running through my head.


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