for all You've done

Sunday, October 22, 2006

in a nutshell.

I've been too tired/lazy/busy to update this of late but it's my short one week break now so I shall stick some photos up! =)

Oh yeah I just manually deleted over a thousand texts from my cellphone and boy was that tedious. I normally connect the phone to the laptop and delete them via the Nokia software, where I'm able to block highlight and chuck them out all at a go. But somehow the software crapped out on me and instead of getting rid of all the texts I didn't want, I got TWO copies of them! And for some, THREE copies gee. Joyous time deleting them individually. Didn't want to risk getting 3 more copies of each text lest I used the software again. Urgh.

Bad habit of not clearing my inbox regularly and letting old texts accumulate and rot in there. Also because I'm sentimental haha. Shrugs.

Remember when the fireworks came on and I was all beaming and on a super high for the rest of the night? But for a different reason from everyone else who seemed to be awed, amazed, and absolutely delighted from watching the (pathetic) fireworks display? And how about the one I was grinning like mad to which Lynda went: Miss Cheryl why are you smiling to yourself? Haha. Yeah it was you.

Can you possibly miss something/someone you never had? Hmmm...

Today's my little nephew Issac's (I'm still wondering if it were genuinely deliberate that they chose to spell it like that or simply covering up for a bad spelling error haha.) FIRST birthday party! It's actually only the second time I'm seeing him and OH BOY has he morphed from a tiny little 2-month old baby into this HUGE FAT HEAVY TODDLER. Gasp. It's scary he doesn't even look 1. More like 2 or 3. I'm sure he's severely overweight, and probably the first to be thrown into TAF Club if they don't start watching his diet.

The reason behind my nephew being so tubby? He scampers quickly to anyone with food and climbs on them and gives you THAT look. Such that if you didn't feed a single morsel of food to him, he'd start WAILING loudly (brat!). And all the aunties and uncles grandmams and grandpops just stuff some food into his mouth (most of which he really isn't even allowed to consume at that age) just to shut him up. Ahhh really that's not the way to go. He's gonna balloon man.

Interestingly enough, no pictures of tubby Issac. Like an object for showing off, he was being handed from aunty to aunty, to coo and admire for 20 seconds before the next aunty gets a go. Either that or he was just busy scampering around looking for people with platters of food that greedy boy.

Jin's mommy told me that Jin's not happy about being an uncle (at 8 years of age) which is quite cute, heh. Hey man neither am I but the older cuzzies aren't getting any younger haha.

The rellies had a mean game of Scrabble and it was super fun! Matthew won the first round, and my mommy won the second (with the help of my dad and myself hah). Already they're planning a Scrabble championship (how cute) the next time we meet, which would have to be the barbecue in November at Amber Point =) Can't wait!

Had a nice long chat with Darren Joe, whom I haven't seen in 10 million years, and who's having a wild time in Otago enjoying the crazy-as hall life in Studholme.

Ok this nutshell is getting a little too big so I shall leave the said photos to another time really. I'm getting old and I need more sleep than ever, but lately I've been immensely sleep-deprived but it's all well worth it.


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