for all You've done

Sunday, October 01, 2006

2 MILES' Mooncake Fest Celebrations.

'Nuff said.



Blogger von said...

!! Pretty pretty lanterns!!

Awwww... Make me one too xiaolongbao! I told that marshall ah.. to make one for me, and he just utterly didn't!! Then I asked him to tell yi to make one for me... And i think he didn't tell her either. Sigh....

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty pictures! von, marshall told me! hahaa.. but there wasn't time. Okay I will make one for you. You must hang it up okay! ahaha

6:09 PM  
Blogger weiyan said...

the lanterns v cute lah you guys made it yourself?

12:39 PM  

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