for all You've done

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

how great is our God

Fiddling around with the cellphone last night was a nightmare, so I got up bright and early this morning (without the aid of the cellphone alarm clock), and resolved to be the first at the Nokia Care Centre. It was still rather early so I took a nice slow morning walk into town. By the time I got to the Care Centre it was approx 11.07am.

Lo and behold it was already crowded and I was the 30th in the queue for Service and Maintenance. There were 2 other queues for various jobs. And they were only serving the 4th in line. There must have been people camping overnight.

But it was good. I love weekday mornings in town, when it is relatively empty and quiet, none of that hustle-bustle. I had Borders to myself (and a few other fellow early birds)! When it finally came to my turn at the service counter, which was approx an HOUR later, Patrick, the dude who served me, tried figuring out what on earth was wrong with my cellphone... He said he'd have to take my phone in for at least 3 days.

Me: Is there a replacement phone I could use meanwhile? 3 days is rather long, I've got matters to see to.
Patrick: Sorry, we don't give out replacement phones anymore.
Me: Oh. Why is this so?
Patrick: Lately, we have too many customers sending in their phones for servicing and we don't have enough phones to lend out.

We finally decided it was probably my corrupted memory card that was giving problems and causing the phone to go loopy. He said he could give my phone a software update which would only take 4 hours but "everything in the phone will be lost". Meanwhile, my memory card was taken to be reformatted.

Seemt like everything was alright after the newly reformatted card was stuck back into my cellphone.

Me: I think I'll pass on the software update for now aye. I'll probably download the texts and stuffs into my laptop before doing the software update.
Patrick: Yes I was going to suggest that to you.
Me: Uh yeah, I'm kinda sentimental...
Patrick: Yeah I can tell. Your jaw dropped when I told you everything in the phone will be lost.

Haha, there you go. Cheryl, your resident sentimentee for you. And just before I left...

Me: Anyway you mentioned that replacement phones aren't being loaned out anymore coz too many customers are requesting for them when they send their phones in for servicing?
Patrick: Yes that's right... That's why we don't loan them out anymore. Lately there are a lot of customers... We don't have enough to loan out.
Me: That's saying a lot about Nokia phones eh?
Patrick: Ah. *smiles sheepishly*.

Said my thank yous and byes and went off to task #2 for the day.


We went to pick baby Reann up for her test/check-up at some ear clinic at Lucky Plaza. Everyone is so sure that Reann's got a hearing problem coz she simply just doesn't respond to her name, or bells ringing etc. She's able to sleep through even when Milky is barking his lungs out. That kinda thing.

My heart ached when I saw Reann going through the tests. Especially when I had to be involved. From when we tried giving her medication meant to make her drowsy- thus falling into a deep sleep, till when she cried her heart out (because the medication was nasty and bitter, and for various other reasons), and when the tests were being carried out. A tiny baby of 4 months, barely brought into the world, and all the stuffs being stuck on her and into machines, just so tests could be carried out.

All through the two hours it was silent in the doctor's room. I was praying. We all have been. The thing is, even last Saturday at YA when we were praying, I had this peace as I prayed for baby Reann. Somehow I knew everything would turn out fine. Reann will be healed, that I'd claimed in faith. God loves her too much, and He will lay His healing hands on her and make her well again. And even if she isn't able to hear the rest of the world, she will hear Him and His comforting voice.

Two hours of tests later, it was found that INDEED REANN WAS FINE AS CAN BE. She's able to hear perfectly and there was NOTHING WRONG WITH HER. HALLELUJAH, PRAISE YOU LORD!


Even as we waited for the tests to be printed out, the sticky stuffs were peeled off the back of her ears and her forehead, pulling her skin and some of her wee baby hairs out. But she slept on. Because of some technical problems, we were there for quite a while more, and finally she awoke. Without a noise. No whimpering. Nothing. She looked so peaceful :) It was as if she had divine hands of comfort upon her little body the entire time, assuring her that it was all alright. And I believe she did. God was there for her tiny self the entire time.


Do you understand that a miracle had just occurred? I was so overwhelmed I wanted to cry.

I will sing

This is so surreal, but God is so, so, real.


My tutee gave me a belated Teachers' Day card. Which is so weird!!!! I have never received a Teachers' Day card before and I still don't think I deserve one. On top of that, it makes me sound really old so yeah. But it was so sweet and thoughtful of her and I appreciate it! I couldn't help but grin when I read it: HI MISS CHERYL! THANK YOU FOR TUTORING ME FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS I BET IT HAS BEEN EXHAUSTING! SO, I KNOW THIS GIFT IS SIMPLE BUT WHEN I DID IT I PUT A LOT OF 'THANKS' INTO IT.

Pwah, she knows me too well :p So funny eh.

I love both my tutees :)


Also, that day my cellphone went dead on me halfway whilst I was out, it was actually a nice time to be alone without texts coming in, or having to pick calls up and such. It was also then when I saw the "Imagine a world without poverty" posters. Please do go check them out, and realize how very much blessed we all are. Being able to live in Singapore is a blessing in itself.

Instantly I stopped whining about not having a workable cellphone to use.

So blessed, SO BLESSED.

Thank you just does not cut it.


I'm going on a detox diet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww... touching story! Praise the Lord. Glory to God indeed! =)

12:19 AM  

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