for all You've done

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ranDOM ranT.

I think I have gone mad :D

There's nothing else to do online, online's boring. So why am I waiting! Full House beckons. I'm 4 (long) episodes away from the end! Weep. 4/5 of the fam is watching the same drama at different speeds. Even my brother.
Uh, yes I know.

I read plenty of Privity stuffs over the past few days I'm ready to spew it all out.

I saw Germy today on the way home! :D

Bleah I know I really shouldn't be procrastinating doing that, but it's really rather uninteresting and suddenly I wish I'd never agreed to the task.

Milk + active honey to supposedly aid my ailing complexion. And the throat that's about to explode outta my being. Was gonna use the active 15+ hoping to speed things up and y'know, kill 2 birds with a stone... But decided not to overdo it, lest it mightn't work as well in future.

Oh yeah Kenneth is in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'm seeing him soon!

Aiya ok I've given up waiting. Oh you cutie pie.

Well, bye.

summer days!

YES! Just as I thought she was gonna silently dismiss me, I got a text from her. Whoopie!

Strange how it just feels like the end of the year once again, when I really should be on my annual 3-month long summer holiday. Sadly isn't the case though.

I've been hooked watching DVDs at home, and this super funny Korean drama. I love funny Korean dramas!

My brother is disappointing! He'd just got back from his waterpolo trip to Malaysia without any food for me! Basically they just shopped heaps so he's got some loot for himself. Sending the wrong people across the causeway ahhhhhhh jackfruit chips!

This entry is really mindless.

Ah shucks where art thou! Why aren't you online man. Boo.

Monday, November 20, 2006

sista's homecoming!

It's the time of the year again- the Chan household stands at a firm 5-man unit once more!

2nd time at the airport in 2 days! I love the airport. No, actually I still have a love-hate relationship with it. It's bittersweet. I used to always take off for NZ with a heavy heart every Feb, leaving everything I love back here in sunny island.

But 10 months later when I touchdown at Changi Airport and the pretty air-stewardess goes: "Welcome to Singapore. To all Singaporeans, welcome home." There's just this indescribable fuzzy feeling within you. Heh.

So anyways, the sista is home, thank God for the smooth and safe flight back! There was a slight mayhem at home for us last night. Long story.

Cheryl has a new resident in her room (who might move out very soon to Matthew's if I keep doing late nights hehe)!


Anyhow, I don't believe it but the one and only vid I'd uploaded to Youtube ages ago has invited its 3rd comment from a random passer-by who thinks it's absolutely the sweetest (it was, then). I said I'd take it down but haven't actually done so.

I'd thanked you for the most awesome summer ever, not knowing it was just the beginning of the LONGEST, MOST AMAZING (gross understatement) summer I could ever ask for. =)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

you're my mystery.

It felt like a monstrous slash right through the perfectly painted picture I've always had proudly framed up.


Today was good just being able to put down everything and chill at the East Coast :) Thank you Germy for having us over! 'Twas quite a crowd aye. Hordes of people there to celebrate baby Noah's 1st month! A real sweet baby he is.

Cycling by the beach in the evening was absolutely blissful.

Friday, November 17, 2006

with eyes wide shut.

It's 4:23am.

I'm awake because my nose is frickin' stuffed and I can't sleep.

It was a great sleep prior nonetheless.

I have a burning desire to ring someone up to whine to.

Gargh. So tired.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Can't help but think that I absolutely suck at tutoring both my kids. Still can't pinpoint what the problem is. I thought, I thought, but I thought wrong.

This is such a letdown.

I'm discouraged.

To top it all, I'm falling ill, or probably have already fallen ill. *shrugs*

Late nights have taken a toll on me. The bod can't take it anymore man.


Monday, November 13, 2006

on a Sunday avo:

"Sending out wrong signals..."

Shar's artistic photography.

Christmassy pair for the day.

So cute right!

Another supposedly artistic shot by Shar.

Shar and I =)


Sunday, November 12, 2006

my loves.

Joey & Joel's birthday dinner; Fish & Co.

I'm glad we're in the same cell =)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

take me away.

As usual today we got cheated and it was actually Public Law instead of Crime. Urgh. I hate it how the admin never tells us anything in advance and we never have the correct material for our lectures. The past 3 or 4 Public Law lectures were impromptu, and poor Mr. S had to stand in for whoever (mostly Ms. A).

Today's lecture was on the House of Commons and was exceedingly boring. Lecture seemed to go on forever and the wait to get out of class was excruciating. I found myself doodling and writing out plans of various events. It came to a point I had to tell Mr. S that it was incredibly boring. He agreed and said H/C is the most tiresome topic, EVER, and he gets bored teaching it. Haha. It's really too bad Mr. S teaches us Public Law, he's so cool.

Lately, more than ever, I really need a break out of the country. Anywhere, short trip, wherever, I'll be happy. Sigh.

What am I doing?