for all You've done

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

msn boo-boos

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
wait a minute. are you talking to the right person?

cheryl says:
cheryl says:
cheryl says:

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
no wonder i dun understand like half..actaulyl all of what oyu jsut said@!!

cheryl says:
OH MY GOODNESSSSSSSSSSs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheryl says:
WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
i did lor. you said you bought shorts from her. then i said from who? then you kept going on and on

cheryl says:
i was wondering why my friend was asking me like AGAIN.
cheryl says:
i thought like i just SAID.
cheryl says:
cheryl says:
and when you said win win situation i mean that's the correct response what!
cheryl says:

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
aiyah. you kept rambling what. i thought i'm supposed to understand so i just say something sensible lah

cheryl says:
uh you do realize this is HILARIOUS right?

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
er. quite

cheryl says:
quite only meh!
cheryl says:
i happen to think it's v funny.

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
i think you are very funny

cheryl says:
i think so too eh.

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
ok. i take that back
jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:

cheryl says:
now i keep looking at the nick/avatar... how if i were typing something REALLY secretive leh!
cheryl says:
wah so dangerous!

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:

cheryl says:
like imagine i were to be loudly proclaiming my undying love for someone and IN THAT PERSON'S CHAT WINDOW.
cheryl says:
.... i think i can just jump off my own room window.

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
that's damn funny alh
jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:

cheryl says:
please next time don't feign innocence....
cheryl says:
and pretend and pretend you understand.
cheryl says:
it could be something CRUCIAL.

jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
i didnbt lor. you jusyt kept going on.
jon. anyone wants to sign up for Canon Photo Marathon? says:
impossible toi stop you



Wednesday, September 20, 2006

you tell me.

How can I possibly tell you, when it's really you?


I happened to be looking at some stuffs, and suddenly very much missed sunny Otago days at Clubs and Socs, setting up booths in various rooms, and Kenneth drawing me pink flamingoes =)

And I also dug this up:
Spent lunch and after at Clubs and Sox at the OMSA um .. shop haha, waiting for more people to register for the ski trip and the Almost Amazing Race this Saturday. There were quite a few people today! ^^ Was just sittin around with Wei Ping and Kenneth discussing pink flamingoes and ostriches and all and WOW I never knew you could ride an ostrich. **AMAZING**

Never knew flamingoes/ostriches had frickin WINGS!!! Never knew they could fly! Oh my gosh I'm so thick .. Kenneth says I've got to go to the zoo more often. He's ridden an ostrich before and I think that's quite cute ^^ I found out it's the wings you grab, not the neck (you might strangle it to death I'd expect ..) I'd like to have a pink flamingo as a pet so I could put it on a leash and take it out on walks. So what do you reckon the diameter of a pink flamingo's leash would be? 3cm? I don't know aye. Darren isn't very keen for me to have a pink flamingo as a pet so he's trying (very hard indeed) to get me a motorized pink flamingo instead. I am very stoked. I asked what colour he'd like his pink flamingo to be and he said orange. That kinda defeats the purpose of having a pink flamingo but I suppose we could do that :)

I did tell Kenneth I'd paint a pink flamingo blue JUST FOR HIM now isn't that so nice of me. And I'd like to have 2 pink flamingoes to ride on so if one breaks (like really, breaks under the weight of me), I'd still have the other. I haven't really thought about what might happen if the second one breaks as well but that will come later. Am hoping Darren really gets me a motorized one that's able to put up with my weight.

My apartment in future will NOT have random flamingo ornaments nor flamingo statues randomly dotting my house. Nor the balcony or garden or whichever. So I don't actually know what I'm gonna do with my pink flamingo when I get one. Motorized or otherwise.

I am very happy and I do not sound stressed. I really do wish for a pink flamingo. I have heaps of law readings to do and I shall head home now and wait for dinner to be cooked for memememememememememe. THANK YOU HEAPS DARREN :))))

Am pooped and energyless to cook tonight but will always be up to cut the Hari Kantin food coupons nice/neatly/prettily for dear OMSA in front of the telly. Grey's Anatomy on tonight and yaaay!

I love case analysis! I am very excited :D

And I am very blessed to have dinner all nice and ready w/o having to lift a finger <3<3<3!!!!

Actually I don't know what it is I'm missing.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

run for hope 2006

The weekend's been pretty full-on and fufilling! :)

First up, Saturday's finally the much awaited (but muchly dreaded the night before) Final Theory Test. Reading the highway code seemed easy enough, yet the practice questions asked were so out-of-the world (to me anyway) I got a ton of them wrong and was extremely discouraged. Long story short, I only got to bed at 3ish that night and had a token number of hours of sleep before I had to crawl out of bed unwillingly again. Urgh. Somehow I'd misjudged my timings and underestimated my shower time, so by the time my Dad gave me a ride to SSDC, I was approx 7minutes late.

Rightfully, late-comers aren't allowed to sit for the test, and the people there could get pretty nasty, but as I entered the room, the invigilator(?- what's he called anyway?) just asked for my I/C before handing me the slip of paper with my password on it. Thank God for that! For those who're in the "shading answers" era, theory tests are now computerized and touch-screen. And animated. There actually are videos to watch before answering various questions.

Also, I had the easiest set of 50 questions! No ridiculously crazy ones to baffle me with. It was a breeze! So I passed the test, glory be to God!

Then I made my way down to G2 to man the youth centre. It's a long story about this little girl who was so pitiful but there was not much I could do anyway :(

The kids there may be vulgar and all, but they do show you respect and I believe they are all good kids. There's an effort made when you tell them to "watch [their] language". I pray that as they spend a part of their weekdays/weekends at the centre, and relationships are forged, they may come to see Christ in us, and one day they will all come to know God, as their personal Lord and Savior. Amen.

We had a guest speaker, Ps Danny Chua, for YA service that evening and I thought the message was really good. "A broken heart". How you have to be broken before God can really use you.

Brokenness removes every man-made obstacle that separates us from our destiny. (Mark 2:1-8)
Brokenness releases passion that impacts the atmosphere. (John 12)
Brokenness reveals the glory of God in us and defeats the enemies. (Judges 7:15-23)

Pre-dinner was as usual, a long wait, but we finally headed to a not-happening-at-all secluded coffeeshop, at Justin's recommendation. Pre-dinner was full of chatter and laughter but once the food came, everyone just sunk their chops in, shut up, and chowed dinner down. Guess all was famished eh.

The array of lame jokes started coming back soon enough anyway. Not like we missed it haha. The boys are so corny! Haha. Haha. HAHA.

Anyways, took me a really long time to finally knock out in bed last night so I probably didn't get much sleep again. Set 2 alarms, with my brother's and my cellphone and even changed the alarm alert to some annoying, loud, and ah-beng sounding one in the hopes that I might get awaken. However, come 5am, I only heard my brother's cellphone. And I shut it off.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was -gasp- 6.40am! We were meeting at Habour Front at 7am!

Finally got to Tanjong Beach, ran the run in the rain- all 9km of it- with my running partner Joel! Who kept me very entertained for the whole 55minutes. He had comments about everyone, and various different ways to keep me going. It was quite funny. Initially we held a conversation. Gradually it was just Joel talking to me without a response. Hey man I had to sustain all my energy to complete the run! Haha.

"Ok next we gotta over take zhong guo mei!"
"Hey look it's Wild Wild West!"
"*points to neon green sports bra some girl was wearing* Eh look, glow in the dark one!"

Etc etc etc.

55minutes of Joel talking. (Thankfully he didn't break into a song.)

And what a good running companion! Apart from talking non-stop to me, he limits my water consumption at the water points! "TWO SIPS ONLY," after grabbing a (HUGE) cup for me. Then yanking the cup off when I had more than "TWO SIPS". "ENOUGH. NO MORE." Very fierce. Post-run also.

"No I'll throw up."
"JUST A BIT. Later you cramp."

Then when we met back with Germ and Marshall, I had MORE pro-runners nagging at me! For my own good of course. Such wonderful running companions :) Thank you all! Really appreciate all that. It was a good run. Yes, unbelievable as it is, Cheryl ran all 9km! Heh.

Post-run saw a crowd of runners at the market at Harbour Front. Pigging out. LOL. We were uhh... guilty of that as well.

Chooped home to shower/change then head out to meet Yi and Grace, before we went for Shar's birthday high-tea party!

Food was great, people/company: priceless. What more can you ask for right? :) We played Polar Bear and ooh it's super fun. Somehow most of them was under the impression that I was the polar bear "behind that innocent face". WAH REALLY OK. Behind the sweet innocent smiley face I was really "pretty much innocent!" LOL.

Then... we played this game that requires a high level of concentration (which I don't have) and 0% blurness (which I'm no where near, sadly- hurhur excuses eh :p). SO, Sister Poh Suan, Sandra and myself ended up having to do a forfeit: go round the swimming pool proclaiming LOUDLY, "RAWWWWRRRRR I AM A POLAR BEAR!" many times. Thanks to stupid Jonathan. Haha but it was hilarious man.

Played that once more later on and I had to do a forfeit AGAIN. Shucks. Why always me!!!!! This time with Joel Tay. Posing as animals from the 12 Zodiac Signs for the camera (and the audience). Sigh...

Blackmailable pictures...

I'm home now and my right leg feels like dead. I think my right ankle is gone as well. And left knee. And how about both of them legs.

Thanks for the amazing party Sharon! :) Happy blessed 22nd birthday!

4 of us drenched after the run :)

(And my tee that resembles a rag after the run. Coz the sleeves were too long and wet and flapping against my arm so I had to roll them up right? But they wouldn't stay, so I was gripping on to them tightly throughout... Such that Joel said he heard a rip when we were running halfway LOL. And the good ol' pear gnawed on for the past 30 minutes.)

Germy, (Joel), and I on the way back to Harbour Front.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

revelation strikes

I realized:
You can run but you can't hide.

Took me long enough aye?


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

how great is our God

Fiddling around with the cellphone last night was a nightmare, so I got up bright and early this morning (without the aid of the cellphone alarm clock), and resolved to be the first at the Nokia Care Centre. It was still rather early so I took a nice slow morning walk into town. By the time I got to the Care Centre it was approx 11.07am.

Lo and behold it was already crowded and I was the 30th in the queue for Service and Maintenance. There were 2 other queues for various jobs. And they were only serving the 4th in line. There must have been people camping overnight.

But it was good. I love weekday mornings in town, when it is relatively empty and quiet, none of that hustle-bustle. I had Borders to myself (and a few other fellow early birds)! When it finally came to my turn at the service counter, which was approx an HOUR later, Patrick, the dude who served me, tried figuring out what on earth was wrong with my cellphone... He said he'd have to take my phone in for at least 3 days.

Me: Is there a replacement phone I could use meanwhile? 3 days is rather long, I've got matters to see to.
Patrick: Sorry, we don't give out replacement phones anymore.
Me: Oh. Why is this so?
Patrick: Lately, we have too many customers sending in their phones for servicing and we don't have enough phones to lend out.

We finally decided it was probably my corrupted memory card that was giving problems and causing the phone to go loopy. He said he could give my phone a software update which would only take 4 hours but "everything in the phone will be lost". Meanwhile, my memory card was taken to be reformatted.

Seemt like everything was alright after the newly reformatted card was stuck back into my cellphone.

Me: I think I'll pass on the software update for now aye. I'll probably download the texts and stuffs into my laptop before doing the software update.
Patrick: Yes I was going to suggest that to you.
Me: Uh yeah, I'm kinda sentimental...
Patrick: Yeah I can tell. Your jaw dropped when I told you everything in the phone will be lost.

Haha, there you go. Cheryl, your resident sentimentee for you. And just before I left...

Me: Anyway you mentioned that replacement phones aren't being loaned out anymore coz too many customers are requesting for them when they send their phones in for servicing?
Patrick: Yes that's right... That's why we don't loan them out anymore. Lately there are a lot of customers... We don't have enough to loan out.
Me: That's saying a lot about Nokia phones eh?
Patrick: Ah. *smiles sheepishly*.

Said my thank yous and byes and went off to task #2 for the day.


We went to pick baby Reann up for her test/check-up at some ear clinic at Lucky Plaza. Everyone is so sure that Reann's got a hearing problem coz she simply just doesn't respond to her name, or bells ringing etc. She's able to sleep through even when Milky is barking his lungs out. That kinda thing.

My heart ached when I saw Reann going through the tests. Especially when I had to be involved. From when we tried giving her medication meant to make her drowsy- thus falling into a deep sleep, till when she cried her heart out (because the medication was nasty and bitter, and for various other reasons), and when the tests were being carried out. A tiny baby of 4 months, barely brought into the world, and all the stuffs being stuck on her and into machines, just so tests could be carried out.

All through the two hours it was silent in the doctor's room. I was praying. We all have been. The thing is, even last Saturday at YA when we were praying, I had this peace as I prayed for baby Reann. Somehow I knew everything would turn out fine. Reann will be healed, that I'd claimed in faith. God loves her too much, and He will lay His healing hands on her and make her well again. And even if she isn't able to hear the rest of the world, she will hear Him and His comforting voice.

Two hours of tests later, it was found that INDEED REANN WAS FINE AS CAN BE. She's able to hear perfectly and there was NOTHING WRONG WITH HER. HALLELUJAH, PRAISE YOU LORD!


Even as we waited for the tests to be printed out, the sticky stuffs were peeled off the back of her ears and her forehead, pulling her skin and some of her wee baby hairs out. But she slept on. Because of some technical problems, we were there for quite a while more, and finally she awoke. Without a noise. No whimpering. Nothing. She looked so peaceful :) It was as if she had divine hands of comfort upon her little body the entire time, assuring her that it was all alright. And I believe she did. God was there for her tiny self the entire time.


Do you understand that a miracle had just occurred? I was so overwhelmed I wanted to cry.

I will sing

This is so surreal, but God is so, so, real.


My tutee gave me a belated Teachers' Day card. Which is so weird!!!! I have never received a Teachers' Day card before and I still don't think I deserve one. On top of that, it makes me sound really old so yeah. But it was so sweet and thoughtful of her and I appreciate it! I couldn't help but grin when I read it: HI MISS CHERYL! THANK YOU FOR TUTORING ME FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS I BET IT HAS BEEN EXHAUSTING! SO, I KNOW THIS GIFT IS SIMPLE BUT WHEN I DID IT I PUT A LOT OF 'THANKS' INTO IT.

Pwah, she knows me too well :p So funny eh.

I love both my tutees :)


Also, that day my cellphone went dead on me halfway whilst I was out, it was actually a nice time to be alone without texts coming in, or having to pick calls up and such. It was also then when I saw the "Imagine a world without poverty" posters. Please do go check them out, and realize how very much blessed we all are. Being able to live in Singapore is a blessing in itself.

Instantly I stopped whining about not having a workable cellphone to use.

So blessed, SO BLESSED.

Thank you just does not cut it.


I'm going on a detox diet.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I took the longest walk back from town today. Maybe not walk. I dragged my feet for 2 hours, all the way back home.

It's just one of those days I guess. Sigh.

Even lunch and shopping with Yi after service couldn't make me any chirpier. Argh... WHY?! (Thanks for the company though! Thanks for hanging with me! :) I really appreciate it heaps.)

And to top it all off, my cellphone has officially gone apeshit on me. It's not just throwing tantrums. It's... indescribable. It's infuriating coz I need to read my text messages, reply to them and I've got important text messages to send out. And it's more than pissing me off coz nothing can be done until tomorrow where I shall attempt to make a scene at the Care Centre. Meanwhile, everything is trapped in my cellphone. ARGH.


And for the record, I give up. Nothing makes sense to me.

fat stummy

I'm (still) so stuffed from dinner tonight aye. And it's been a good many hours since dinner. We had close to a 9-course dinner after YA service HAHA... 'Twas gooooooood. Company was even better! ;)

Having said that... Just a helpful tip for anyone who desires a clean, NORMAL dinner: not have Jon Wong sitting at the same table. Gee. Twice already he's made me lose my appetite over dinner. Somehow. I shan't go into details, coz I'm sure no one is keen to know anyway. Ugh.

We then adjourned over to the next table for our single solitary durian. Heh. It was quite cute eh.

And to end the Wonderful Saturday, of course we played Monopoly! At Liang's! Pity Van couldn't join us. Ooooh and this time I wasn't bankrupt! Though I suspect I was nearing bankruptcy (what is this man...). Thanks to the stupid jail I landed in TWICE (consecutively). And going past "Go" but not being able to collect $200 coz I kept having to pay $200 income tax. Seriously man, income tax costs $200 but winning the beauty contest only gets you a measly 10bucks. What is going on!? Cheapos.

Had to end the game early soooo... JOHANN WON!

Heh, Yakult to digest the weird mix of food in our stummies.

Getting real tubby aye. Sigh.



This is all of us.

I love all of you fellow Pilgrims.
We will walk the extra distance together.

Happy birthday also to the September babies: Marshall, Grace and Sharon!

And yes, Cheryl can't for nuts do the non-smiley thing in pictures.
(That pict cracks me up SO BAD, even after the umpteenth time.)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

mid-essay ramble

You know I really have no idea what to say to someone who's so bent on doing something, yet if you apply the "officious bystander test" (ok I'm kidding... Contract is getting to my head) it's clear that nothing is going to work out for them. Maybe I just don't understand. But it really stinks to see someone in that state, and nothing anyone else says or does would help anyway.

That aside...

Does anyone know where I can get Maple Story stickers? Yeah no they're not for me, in case you were wondering. I know nothing about it- the cute fuzzy(?) characters, how you get about playing it and all that. My little tutee has requested for them. He obviously thinks my stickers aren't cool enough for him. Drats.

Gone are the days where you could easily lure/tempt/con a kid with lollies, and make them do anything/EVERYTHING joyfully, enthusiastically, contentedly, with a happy heart. Now it's more like, "I only like SOME chocolates. I don't like that one with that gold colour wrapper with the yellow thing inside. I don't like (insert long list of confectionery)..."

For the record, he meant Crunchie. Which has hokey pokey in the middle. I don't quite like it either. It gets rather sickening after a while. It's soooooooooo Kiwi, and good if you need a desperate sugar fix. *shudders* And he was also trying to describe something else to me, which sounded very much like Oreo cookies, but I'm still not too sure. HOW could he (or anyone for that matter) not like Oreo cookies!?

Hur hur I remember in 5th form when I was trying to make an Oreo cheesecake, I chucked all the creme out (a good few stacks of it!), coz I'd only needed the cookies.

I like the smell of hokey pokey being made though. The process smells so yummy, and I think that's the highlight-of-the-year for every 4th form Science class. Making your own hokey pokey. Whee! And for 7th form Chemistry (highlight-of-the-year I meant), it'll have to be making sorbet! I remember Shanny making us try her lemon sorbet which was uh, worse than Warheads. Like stuffing 20 lemons in your mouth at a go, if that's even possible. And on top of that, I think she added too much of something, such that it was fizzing up very badly and almost seemt like we were gonna foam at our mouths... LOL.

Hrm I haven't seen my sister online in a long time! I've got a bad urge to fill her in on something, although I can already imagine what she'd say. "I KNEW IT." (If you're reading this... cut it out already!) Ah shucks. Anyhoo, my sister will be coming back in two months' time!

Adding on to this grab-bag entry... My Dad cooked us really yummy dinner yesterday and this evening! We had fried carrot cake and oyster omelette which was SO good. I think he was just trying it out, having bought a big bag of oysters and not knowing what to do with them haha. Really palatable. Love it. My omelette must have had like 20 odd oysters in it man.

Also. I met Pheebs back again after lectures yesterday, at Bugis. And remember one of my older entries about Bugis and its many ice-cream carts just next to another? And how they were only 80cents instead of a dollar? Well, competition must've been tough, coz ice-cream is now 60CENTS. Will you beat that?! How much cheaper can it get and pray tell are they even earning? Which is kind of silly. Coz if every other ice-cream uncle/aunty sells it for 60cents, the competition is still there right? So why bother? Hrm...

I miss ambrosia from Rob Roy dairy at corner Albany/George St :(

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

for some bizarre reason anyway

This morning's events left me taking a long walk around the entire Sixth Avenue (looking at pretty houses, pretty gardens, pretty cars- size: XXXXXXXXL). It wasn't supposed to end up that way of course. Ugh. Anyway I'd rather not talk about it but guess what Sixth Avenue has abundance of? -Apart from massive houses and flash cars that is. HEAPS OF CABS! For the rich folks who can't for their life operate an automobile.

Sixth Avenue is a maze through and through.

Long story short, I got so mad I just hopped on the next bus out to town and met Pheebs for lunch before school. The bus ride back to town sure was interesting though. Hrm... hehe.


Last night as the lightning struck wildly and lit the entire darken sky, and the thunder clapped madly, I got up, and immediately thought of you. Sigh.

wild for...

Ask me so that I may only get to answer you in the affirmative, or otherwise.

Monday, September 04, 2006

crossroad47 opening week!

I just spent over an hour traveling from G2 back home. Thanks to bad advice!!!! Ugh. Cheated me already still didn't want to admit. Haha... ok granted it didn't seem as long as it did so it wasn't that horrid.

I had a great time hosting at the Youth Centre opening today together with a whole lot of other people :D Great time of fellowship, and we made many discoveries! Haha. The world is very small! What more Singapore.

We had many people come into our Youth Centre and sign up for membership! Some who came because they were actually in fact looking for a toilet (and got mistakenly dragged in), some because they were escaping from another group of kids who wanted to pick a fight. But it all ended well and the kids were all happy and enjoying themselves aplenty, staying on for a good few hours! Praise God.

We all had dinner at the "happening coffeeshop" where apparently a "nine-course dinner" costs only $16 for 3 pax. LOL. Yeah but no one had nine-course dinners tonight though. Although I can imagine why. The feeling of being spoilt for choice you just have to get... everything. Gluttony! :p

The weather is so hot today aye... I hate the feeling of my skin crawling.

I also don't really like to be eagerly anticipating and so looking forward to something, coz most of the times I just get disappointed. Deeply.


Somehow it's when I least expect anything, that I get surprised, that gets me high and happy for the rest of the day/night :) That will always put a smile to my face whenever I think about it. Well, it always is the case, no?

C'est la vie.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

if only you knew eh?

I am propagating a unicameral form of idiosyncrasy occuring malevolently in meritorious piece of clasterubial brain.

'Nuff said.

Argh so frustrating...