for all You've done

Sunday, August 27, 2006

indescribable joy

Words can't depict.

You know what I'm saying?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

2 miles

I'm excited.

It's gonna be an amazing journey ahead!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

from last saturday

janery, febery, mary

Edwin never fails to feed me with bloggable events every Wednesday!

Today I found out that he doesn't know the months of a year! Which is appalling! He has no idea how many months in a year there are, what they're called, let alone what comes before/after what. So I spent a very long time making him learn and spell it.

And as you'd have guessed, the process was HILARIOUS.

Anyways, after making him LEARN the months of a year, I tested him several times and each time he'd forget the same months, get stuck at the same months that kinda thing. ESPECIALLY AUGUST. And September, and October, and November, and December and... yeah you get the idea.

Me: What month are we in now???
Him: Hungry Ghost month.

LOL. You know I really CANNOT believe that kid. He NEVER fails to crack me up. Severely. So much so that I burst a rib laughing or something man.

Then of course, after August, comes September, then lo and behold! AUGUST AGAIN! Only my little tutee is capable of doing something like that hehe. You know, August1, August2 that kinda thing. A few Augusts in a year, you know?

And... For some bizarre reason...

"Janery, Febery, Mary..."

Over and over again!

So the new and revised version of Edwin's Months-In-A-Year sounds something like:
"Janery, Febery, uh... What I always say ah? MARY! *both of us crack up* Oh I know already! March, Aperl Fool, MAY, JUNE, JULY (loud and clear coz those were the first three he managed to master!)... *thinks for freaking long, whilst I stare daggers (read: don't tell me you don't know this- WHAT MONTH ARE WE IN NOW?!) at him* err... AUGUST! ... September, Augus.. EH... OCTOBER! NOVEMBER! DECEMBER!"


Hehe I'm so proud of him! We both are! So we jumped about, yay-ed very loudly, so high and happy!!! Not only is he able to recite the Months-In-A-Year in his version, he knows them off his head randomly too!

Yipeedoodah! I love that kid. Super very much.

Monday, August 21, 2006


I haven't felt this in a very long time.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

15 crazy stops

Ok pictures up! Sorry Yi I'm not gonna put ALL of them up. Hehe. Especially not those that I look remotely fat/bad in. We've got a disturbingly large number of pictures taken shamelessly on the train ride from Pasir Ris to: respective homes. So much so the people sitting across us were starting to give us the evils...

Am also including guest pictures! HAHA, as you'd see later on... Guest being, um coz my Nokia software stores my pictures in folders of pictures never uploaded before (kinda thing, if you follow), so these pictures are all in the same folder. Yeap.

Fuzzy pictures are when they've been taken by the second camera on my phone (meant for video calls really). Produces that crappy sickening effect. It must be like 0.000000035256 minipixels or something.

So, many of them do look similar (but they're not), and we took pains to have them taken. Grace and Von were close to strangling the both of us and tearing all their hair (or ours for that matter) out, and would probably have got off at the next possible stop if weren't already so late. Heh. Whoops!

"OK LAST ONE AH. *grumbles*" Grace is so funny. And because the both of them were sandwiched between Yi and myself, they hadn't got much of a choice, so we pictured this hilarious (at that time) senario where it would look like: Happy Yi, Grouchy Grace, Grumbly Von, Happy Cheryl.

Check those Yi+Von pictures out. LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO GRACE. (If you can actually see her, that is.)

Seriously, Costa Sands Resort is so far and away from all other signs of life. But I had a great time tonight at Shaun's 21st party. Love the company. Happy blessed 21st Shaun! :D

I just realized tonight.
I have huge eyebags. Please do not go look out for them, not like it ain't obvious enough though. Sigh.

When the carriage was still empty and we had the liberty to fool around.

Guest pictures!

RONALD MC DONALD. At Changi Airport carpark. I was SO amused. And so happy for some reason hehe, so we all took a picture with him (I think Sharon has it!). He's so cool! As are his big red shoes and red smiley and the works. I really thought they flew him in from America when Sharon said they did. "You mean he sat in the plane for over 20 hours in that?!" Uh ok I'm gullible.

At the back of (the other) Grace's van. All 9 of us. After picking Andrea up from the airport!


[Picture removed. Owner of face isn't happy! Pity tho... :( WEEP.]

Von bluetooth-ed this to me when we were bored and waiting in MOS on Thursday night. Haha!

Saturday, August 19, 2006


OH MAN. I keep thinking about Dunedin. All last night and this morning. Shucks.

I miss all the multitude of pictures that are stuck in my Acer back there in someone's garage.

It's another one of those days aye.

Friday, August 18, 2006

clubbing is not cheryl

Being in MOS last night reminded me of the times when we'd go to KCs and Two Bears (which became "Two ears" when the "B" fell off...).

Mostly Sam, Ethan, Tommy, Zhi Ling and myself. Sometimes Chewy. Out to town at night in the cold. Having them shield us from the drunkies. Having the bouncers stifle a laugh whenever I had to produce my driver's licence, coz it's just SO darn ugly you wouldn't believe it either. Club hop (The Vatican always disappoints!) Retreating back to their flat, hanging and chatting, till the boys walked us down the road back to our flat, which was always pitstop #2. Chilling- at humble 136Albany- till the sun rose, as cold as our freezer of a flat was. AYE I MISS THEM SO MUCH.

The 223b Leith Street boys (on Chewy's birthday last year):

Spelling "CHEWY" are: Chewy, Sam, Michael, Ethan and Tommy :D
(picture credit to Chewy!)

Makes me wanna read my old entries all over again :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

train tales

Imagine a typical Science experiment set-up. 2 see-through boxes, one containing a slice of toast, the other with a normal piece of bread, and a glass of water next to it.

Q: A few days later, John discovers mould on the bread in the second set-up. What can he conclude from this experiment?

I hadn't expected an answer from my tutee. Well, clearly, since it was left blank, so Cheryl's supposed to fill in the blanks and teach him right? But as I read it out to him, provoking a smart guess... indeed I got one:

"Cannot eat, throw away, waste money."

You simply have no idea. How I cracked up. Following the all-too-familiar, "REALLY MAH... *insert cheeky grin*"

AND, it's beyond me why he keeps spelling bread mould as 'bread mouth'!!!!!! It's really funny but I just can't fathom why! Week after week! Bread mouth! "CORRECT WHAT!!!! I check dictionary they spell like that also!"

"What is the fungi called?"
"Spell 'mould'."
"What is this *points to mouth*?"
"Spell 'mouth'."
"M-o-u-t-h... Eh?... *REALIZATION DAWNS...*"

Once again, we're both left speechless. LOL.

(Which reminds me of Angela, this PRC girl who sat next to me for Eco in 6th Form. One day she was trying to ask me something and went on and on but I just couldn't grasp what the heck she was on to, "mouse" this "mouse" that. THEN SHE POINTED TO HER MOUTH. "Mouse ah!" She sounded so exasperated like as if I'd been the dumb one the entire time. I wanted to die coz I'd spent the last few minutes trying very hard to understand her.)

Oh yeah and he has a never-ending supply of erasers too! Every week without fail somehow he'll misplace his eraser, and conveniently go to the drawer to get a new one still wrapped in plastic. Why am I so amused?


On the way home today, at Dhoby Ghaut, the train came and it was one of those that was packed with the massive after-office crowd. One of those that could stuff maybe 5-7 more people (per carriage) MAX. So the people who had to alight did, and the 5-7 people who managed to get on did. THEN CAME THIS WHOLE HOARD OF INDIAN TOURISTS who squeezed their way into the carriage and pushed everyone even closer than everyone already was.


Shucks man, we were all too close for comfort, I could feel the baby behind me pressed onto my back, and one of them Indians standing in front of me kept moving her head such that her hair kept sweeping my face AAAAGGGHHHHH! The other one next to me had bad body odour, and being short, the air down there isn't that fresh. PLEASE, if you're gonna intend to squeeze with a large crowd in the train, please at least refrain from smelling so bad.

I ended up having to tilt my head up to gasp for air every now and then, had absolutely no intention to be rude but yeah. Can't be helped. Then there was this girl who was reading off the Single Trip Standard Ticket and announcing very loudly to the whole gang, "This ticket is only valid for one day on the MTR rahrahrah..." And she kept reading it as MTR! How does that happen?!!

Ok sorry. I just had a crazy ride back on the train. Thank God it was only for 2 stops. Tormenting enough. You know when you're packed so closely to each other, there really is no need to freaking SHOUT. The entire carriage can hear you for cryin' out loud.


Although having said that, it's been most definitely a lovely day/week-to-date.

But why do you have to make things so hard for me? Sigh.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

pesky churning-stomach, wobbly-kneed, tongue-tied stuff

Broken promise made. But I couldn't not do anything when it was so blatantly in my face screaming out to me.

Don't you just hate it when the untouchable comes your way?

It's starting to eat me alive aye...

Monday, August 14, 2006


Don't understand why the new neighbours upstairs have to keep walking/shuffling their feet so LOUDLY. It's either our ceiling/their floor's really thin, or they have feet made of sandpaper. 2am and they could still be sweeping the floor, shuffling about. Gets creepy at times. And then, they don't carry their furniture around, they drag. It's starting to get to me aye.

2 days in our estate and they've pretty much pissed many of us off, including the security guards. BOTH. The day time SG, Mr. Lee, complained about them being unreasonable when moving in (long story), and the one at night, Siva, had to go all the way to their apartment to get them to move their stupid car, which was parked diagonally over TWO parking spaces. Right smack in front of the foyer.

Talk about being inconsiderate.


On a lighter note, booked my highway code! :D

interview with Jesus

Do check this out!
Interview With Jesus.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

2 second post

I was just browsing through the calendar in my cellphone and guess what I saw (dated 18 June):

Pay joel 1 million dollers

I'm amused. And it's so Joel to mis-spell LOL. I thought he just types gibberish online. Ooooohwelll. Super random.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


This came from my current read (when they were trying to solve some crossword), and oh my gosh it's so clever! Ok so here goes:

Attractive affirmative back around ten (four letters).

Seriously you'd never guess! Nevaaaarrrrrrr ...


Just got back from lunch with the brother at the mall. I can never understand why people have to keep jamming their fingers at the button at pedestrian crossings non-stop. When will they ever realize it does NOT make the lights change any quicker and they're not gonna get to cross the road any sooner by jabbing the poor button mercilessly.

And I'm sure everyone knows, but just a reminder anyhow. You don't know where fingers/palms/hands have been to before they reached the innocent button. This lady had just sneezed into her hand, then using the same hand, jabbed at the button till it was green for us to cross. Ew.

Same goes for lift buttons and basically everything else haha.


Let me know if you've got an answer to the crossword! Heh.

non-patriotic national day celebrations

Ok yeah I was gonna head to bed sometime ago but the tummy's feeling uncomfy like all the oil's floating about in it. Urgh gross.

Suspect it's the noodles from dinner that looked suspiciously oilier and wetter than usual. But then Yi comes along and complains of an upset tummy so maybe it was the mountain of kaya-BUTTER toasts/sammiches we had this avo. Which equates to oil swimming in my stomach too.

The amount of butter!!!!!! Every tiny inch of toast had a thick SLICE of butter wedged in between. And because Yi and I realized we'd got the wrong stuffs (we'd wanted something else but got the toast instead), we got another order of the sammiches. So effectively we had a LOT of bread/butter/kaya for branch/afternoon tea and pre-dinner. Yelch.

Feeling so nauseated.

Haha it's really funny chatting to my fellow tummyacher who's suffering just as much, if not more, than I am. Umm, won't go into details, kinda explicit and gross. I just made myself a cup of tea. There's no way I'm gonna fall asleep in this state. Garh.

So today! We were supposed to meet at half past 11 but obviously the previous night's events left the both of us dead in bed longing for more sleep, which was what happened. Finally met at almost 1 and embarked on our mission in search of The White Tube. But weeeeeeell, maybe the most fruitful bit was that of fitting into Cheryl's heels (thus no need for a more tedious task of looking for a decent pair of black heels) and probably bargaining with the aunty for Yi's top.

MOST DEFINITELY NOT our kaya toast adventures. Which, of course is why I'm and blogging now. Urgh ...

Then of course when we initially planned to meet at 3, we really mean meeting at past 5, right??? :p Things only started moving when we had everyone at the function room at I don't know, quarter past 5 or the likes. Played a superb game of improvised Boggle which was fun, fun, fun, and was forced to converse in Mandarin. HAHHHHHHHHH please!

Also played (possibly my most exciting game of) Monopoly! It came to a point where it's safer just to be in jail and STAY there for a good three rounds, and being able to get past "GO" and collect $200 (without Liang or Joey sucking your cash and property dry) was such a blessing. And definitely a mean feat. Landing on Joey's property (with a frigging HOTEL planted there) set me back by $2k (was it?) which I obviously was too poor to pay for. But since I was the first (yeah I can't believe it either ...) to set foot on the wretched (haha!) property, of course a grand opening welcome discount should be given right? Paid all of my $500 and $100 bills and gave up my Railway property AND both my utilities :( -still not enough by the way, but it was discounted you see haha ..

Aye anyhow it was super fun and exciting and it all ended when everyone wanted dinner (and whilst I was in the midst of thinking of how I should pay Liang for landing on his property with a stupid hotel erected there. Over $1k!). So we declared Joey the winner. Hah ...

... And went for dinner at Thai Express (read: oily glass noodles!).

Ok the tea's doing its job, and so have the meds. I'm off to bed now.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

mongolian twins (+ 1)

My school just declared this whole week to be National Day holiday. What the. As if school hasn't been slack enough as it is. Since when did people get a WEEK off in lieu of National Day?!


Anyway, finally caught my sis online last night! Had a wee chat till the unearthly hours and we both concluded- actually it's more of a question: why my life is always a drama. Um it's quite true and it can be good and bad. Mostly bad I guess. She says I'm "causing ripples" and why can't I be like "normal girls". Aaaaaaagh ...

Always wrong signals being sent out, wrong everything.

And then. Ok you see that's why you should always hear both sides of a story. This came to me twice last night, when someone added me online, and as we chatted, my impression of him was horribly thwarted. Never the wonderful picture painted by someone else. On the other hand, the OTHER person was described close to being so much as a witch, but apparently not. Free me from all these unwanted information I don't need to know man.

Yeah and I have no idea why he keeps harping on how he thinks D was dumb enough to have made that decision and acted unwisely, when he did. I'm like come on it's been such a long time and furthermore, shouldn't it be a blessing to me since he was/IS so "dumb"?

Stop confusing me already.

Weirdddddd. So weirdddddddd. I will probably never understand why and do forgive me if I suddenly appear not to care very much anymore.

Oh yes and just a weekend ago, someone said the most shocking thing to me (ok maybe not MOST, but it would be the last thing on my mind, if anything), especially after I realized who she was. *gulp*


That aside, happy things now! We're off to Sharon's this evening yipeedoo! Am taking something along for her too.



I absolutely HATE it when people don't bother getting the facts right, and start speculating, being pissy at everyone. Argh.

Monday, August 07, 2006

monday avo racket

Gee the Botanic Gardens has been blasting patriotic National Day songs ALL AFTERNOON non-stop and it was starting to get on my nerves especially since one of the last songs goes like this: Happy birthday to Singapore, happy birthday to Singapore, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to Singapore (repeat 3x). Following which the National Anthem comes on.

Being the concerned (read: nosey) resident (but had the huge pavillion roof obstruct part of my view), I decided to pop across to check the din out.

Lo and behold. There was a whole CHOIR belting out a medley of National Day songs, in English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. And they all looked so chirpy and joyful to be singing (with cutesy hand actions and dance steps) the medley over and over again on a Monday afternoon!!!!!!!

Anyway I think it's for some National Day event tomorrow morning at 9. Which means waking up to MORE of that! Ack.

as random as it gets

Haven't been on my lappy in bed for a while now! Missed it heaps. Sifting through my files and files of pictures so I shall post some up :D

This is so super funny and random! Clicky collage Jawei made (I think) of us eons ago.
Tiny Rosy posy in the far corner, Cheryl in WGC uniform, Deb all smiles, Pheebs, Jawei during the long-swishy-hair days, Nad on the phone long dist to NZ on CHERYL'S 16TH BIRTHDAY, poseur Denise playing dress up with Cheryl's winter wear, Yarn during the long-swishy-hair days.

Post WGC 6th form ball.

Raya at Nad's.

Our banquet table! WGC Shakespeare Day 2004.

Jawei amused by my various uniform for different seasons.

When Jawei and Pheebs came to visit.

Xian Clarke. I love her so much. The smartest 2-year-old with the widest vocabulary, and who is able to name every vegetable. Including courgette.


Off to crash. Am knackered. I think I've pulled a muscle in my right thigh, plus I've also got a massive bruise behind my right thigh too- like 4cm in diameter. Beats me how it got there but it's really ugly. Urgh.

Ironing my brother's school uniform makes me feel like I'm ironing pieces of dirty rags intead. Really I have no clue how a boy could wear a set of white uniform till it resembled cleaning rags. Urgh again.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I've been feeling fat lately, after consuming all the fattyfoods in the past few days. All that cookies, snacks, ice-cream my brother and I got on a supermarket spree with the parents (always a great time to exploit and indeed, SPREE ON!) on Sunday after church and lunch.

Then the crazily creamy pasta Mel and I had yesterday, I'm sure it was 99% cream and nothing else coz um, we'd made a wee complaint about the "creamy sauce" not being creamy enough. Really it was more like pasta in soup. So they offered to change it for us, and to our horror- our pasta came back with the ORIGNIAL PASTA (with the ingredients scattered around), on the SAME PLATE, and SAME UTENSILS stuck into the pasta in a rude can't-give-two-hoots fashion. The spoon one way, and the fork the other. Would you beat that. Absolutely disgusting.

Oh yeah not to mention the "creamy sauce" came back as diluted as it'd been earlier. So effectively it just felt as if our plates had been taken away from us, sat in the kitchen for a good 5-7 minutes, then returned to us exactly like it was. And actually I think that was what happened.

3rd pasta installment came back CREAMY like it should've been, and we were served complimentary garlic bread. Oh well.

Then there was the coconut which I devoured and scraped the life out of it last night. My Dad bought the coconuts from a fundraiser from church. SUPER YUMMY! I've never had a sweeter and more refreshing coconut! Especially the um, (whatdya call it?) juice? Water?

Coconuts remind me of Thailand. Where coconuts were only 20baht (SGD80cents! Cheaply!) and we (ok fine, it was ME) had so many coconuts over the course of a simple dinner. Heh. I've seriously been longing to visit Thailand again.

Currypuffs, longans and potatoes. I haven't been exercising and the pounds are slowly starting to pile on. Urgh not a good sign.

And my room is in a terrible mess, like a bomb's just gone off in it.

for someone I don't even know

To everyone who's lost someone they love
Long before it was their time
You feel like the days you had were not enough
when you said goodbye

And to all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing and there is no one
Who can make it right

There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus

For the marriage that's struggling just to hang on
They lost all of their faith in love
They've done all they can to make it right again
Still it's not enough

For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains
You try to give up but you come back again
Just remember that you're not alone in your shame
And your suffering

When your lonely
And it feels like the whole world is falling on you
You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus
Cry to Jesus

To the widow who suffers from being alone
Wiping the tears from her eyes
For the children around the world without a home
Say a prayer tonight

I'd initially felt compelled to write something as I lay in bed the other night after saying my prayers- and the words just flowed in my head- and I did, but have decided against publishing the post. Shrugs.


I realized I get influenced by some people rather easily. It's very telling- when you feel a sudden surge of happiness (like popping starbursts!), or that rising excitement in you when the other person is. Likewise, the heaviness and sadness felt even without many words being exchanged.

Double shrug.