for all You've done

Saturday, July 29, 2006

7 on a friday evening

Gmail's crapped out on me and I've got so many mails to reply! Argh.

So tonight we had a small group for cell again coz a few of the cellmates have taken ill, and some had other commitments. God bless those who couldn't make it today wherever they were, whatever they had to do, and I pray that He'll lay His healing hands on those who're ill and make them well again.

With a small cozy group, we played the old school newspaper game, and Sharon wanted it challenging so we started off with a piece of newspaper from "mindyourbody". Yes, teeny.

In all my excitement to snap pictures of the winning BOYS team, a coupla of them turned out blury. Gutted. But nevertheless ...

Presenting to you 3 (of 4) of the HUH guys:
Liang DA MAN (super strong!), Joey (small and compact, easy to piggyback!), Marshall.

Nothing will cause their (semi) human pyramid to tumble ;)

Super cute! A thrilled Hui Jia in the background.

GROUP HUG!!!!!! :p

Love the cell.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

tutee humour

Which word in the second paragraph has the same meaning as "good luck"?

Ans: The same meaning as good luck is "good luck".

Me: Eh you very funny right. What is this?????????!!!!
Edwin: Really mah. I show you! *flips to comprehension passage*

And the passage reads:
... These are considered auspicious items which will bring them good luck.

Hahahahaha so cheeky! Yeah this is purely coincidental and thus a dead giveaway. Most of the times the meaning of the word isn't even in the entire passage. For the record the answer is "auspicious". "Good luck" couldn't possibly have been the answer anyway. It's TWO words, to be pedantic. HA!

On my lousiest days, my little tutee never fails to bring a smile to my face despite how TIRED and weary I am at the end of it all. So cheeky yet so endearing :)

He's got a really nice Mom too, and a brother in Secondary School who always says "hi" and "bye" to me! Lovely kids.

Oh yeah guess what he asked me today.
Edwin: Teacher you primary what?
Me: ............... Do I look like a primary school student?
Edwin: Hehe no .... Then you secondary what?

He also told me to stop speaking Mandarin because "eeeeee" it sounds "very funny". Aiya I'd only told him to kwai dian coz he was monkeying around (as usual).

Had to rush off (much to his delight) because the fam was doing crabs tonight! Haha funny we even have family dates for dinner at the TSerasi Food Garden, shamefully near- across the wee road.

The weather was fantastic this evening. It almost felt like NZ on its best day- soft breeze with the sunshine pouring generously down on you, neutralizing the cool air. Absolutely blissful.


I realized that the problem with me is that I'm not critical enough of judgement reports. I'm just like yeah yeah makes sense true that. When really there're a hundred contentious issues to it waiting to be nabbed and pounced upon and attacked. Maybe I just can't be half arsed to contend something already closed and settled before I was even born. Something that hardly concerns me. Which is bad coz then I tend to go with the flow and be negligent ...

Ok that certainly was random.


Oh my goodness SClub7 is playing. Nostalgia.


You know, you learn history to learn from past mistakes right?

Well it obviously works for most people, but not all.




I'm feeling so irritated. At nothing in particular.
I wish the weekend never comes.
I'd be happy going for lects for another week or two. Non-stop.

Only I have got the capability of turning something that I'd once so looked forward to, to something I dread. For all the wrong reasons too.

I need to sleep this off.

sleep woes

I think I'm suffering from insomnia. 3.30am and I could still be tossing and turning around in bed. Anyways I got up way early this morning, with hardly any sleep. I think there's something wrong with me. I even get restless halfway through lunch.

Had my power nap on the bus on the way to school this avo, and was awoken 5 seconds before my stop! I had one of those sudden jolts. Like you think you're gonna fall off your bed but you're actually right smack in the middle of it. Yeah, except it was on a seat on the bus.

Supra left us copying notes off the whiteboard whilst he rubbed out the first two columns to add more. Suddenly he went "OH MY GOSH", stunned and incapable of speech momentarily.

He had used a permanent marker. LOL.

And because the entire board was filled with Parliamentary Sovereignty stuffs, none of which could be rubbed out, we had to proceed to another room for lecture. Funny. Thought it was a good time to drag our feet and waste some time. But noooo, Supra went over time again today as per every Public lect. Couldn't even join Mel and Yan after.


So I was in town on my way to run some errands for my Mom, then my Dad. Engrossed in replying a text as I was walking along, I didn't actually hear these two guys asking for my help. So they wanted to see more of Singapore instead of "being stuck on one road" (Orchard Road of course ;)) and wanted to know how to get to Little India.

Took them to the Somerset train station, taught them which trains to get on/off, which train stations to transit at, where Little India/Chinatown/Sentosa etc were, how to get a single-fare ticket, how to use it, and how to get the deposit back.

In that short half-an-hour or so, we definitely had a good chat :) They were from Texas and New York, and will be visiting many more countries. Don't know what they were up to tho, they seemt sneaky about it with that wink haha.

I love playing tour-guide and giving directions to tourists as best as I'm able to! Coz it's so frustrating to have to go to somewhere foreign and not know your way around, what more ask a local who can't give you helpful directions.


I don't know why I just told all that to, well, anyone at all! Now I'm sure he's gonna shame me to death. An hour's entertainment. Rarr ok not that I really care. I'm not even sure of it myself.
I don't WANT to. I think.


Oh and my little tutee's Mom sent me a text message in MANDARIN today.
Wow ok.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

melzyme day

Finally got to hang with Mel today! It's been ages. But because I had to wait and wait and waaaaaaiiiiitttt some more whilst she went beyond her Skagen duties and serve those at the Fossil counter, I got to catch up with the rest at Timepieces too! :) Lovely.

Although heaps of them have left, somehow those at the Guess counter don't seem to want to budge LOL. Toni and Jasmine have been there since flintstone age and are still standing strong heh.

Felt quite bad coz MEL'd told me only Cathie was working so I got afternoon tea for her and not the rest. Ah. Toni complains I only go see them once a year (FUNNY EH) but yeah I admit I'm rather lazy to even take the escalator up 2 levels, drop by say hi kinda thing. The only times I even walk into the mall is when I need a 2 minute air-conditioned environment coz it's too darn scorchingly hot out there. Walk in ---- busk in the cool air for a coupla minutes ---- out and furiously perspiring again.

I will stop being so lazy.

Really there's not much to do/see in town but it's all about the company! Talked about my non-existant love life and oh, we've come to a conclusion that our definition of "cute" differs vastly- of course! Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder- both interior and exterior.

'Twas funny in Wellington. Shanny and I would be walking down say .. Lambton Quay/Courtenay Place ...
Shanny: Eh that guy is quite cute.
Me: Which one. *looks around* SO BENG!
Shanny: I like. *smug*

Super funny. Likewise, I'd always get the look of disapproval when I point out all the kid-looking (or should I say youthful instead :p) people who ... probably aren't anywhere close to being kids. Anymore, anyway. Aiya. Haha. I like!

I love hanging with Mel! I love Mel! And dear Shanny too, who's not coming home over the summer. Bummer. (Rhymin!)


Today at Criminal we had to write an essay in record time- ok perhaps not really record time, we were just not prepared for it. It was apparently because the last time she'd asked us to write one at home, only one pathetic student had turned it in. (Aye I never knew she wanted it!) But I suspect it was more because she wanted to put her feet up in her office whilst we hurridly scrawled our way through an OL question.

One of the stalls at the TSerasi Food Garden is doing so well you've gotta make BOOKINGS earlier in the day just so to ensure a portion the evening when you dine. We obviously weren't aware so when my family and I went over for dinner last night, alas- we were too late. Oh well.


I'm your resident happy chappy :)

This is the day that the Lord hath made,
I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

pick me up

Thank God for the weekend! Been so tired lately it's not funny. Especially after Thurday's all-nighter ala WGC/Otago days where I sat through (almost) the entire night writing an essay due Friday avo. Got to bed at 4ish when the thoughts were just not coming anymore, and the sentences were starting to look gibberish and highly incoherent.

Had to get up early Friday morning to let the brain juices flow again and indeed they did! Finished writing the essay and chooped off to class all .. satisfied, albeit tired, sleepy and dazed. THE BEST PART: Chang didn't ask for it. Not at all. And I suspect he's completely forgotten about it .. forever. Oh well I certainly had fun writing it nonetheless! I love Contract and Chang's lectures. It's really interactive and I get to throw contentious issues at him and start my little debates. So .. satisfying for some reason heh. Criminal's fun too, but Anandi gets iffy at times for no apparent reason. Vicky is full of energy and has much oomph when giving lectures so I love that too, and Supra = Public = 'nuff said.


My little tutee cancelled out on me today coz she hadn't done any of her homework. Which was sweet- I had the opportunity to (finally) have a good sleep in, sleeping off all the lost sleep. 'Twas the longest in some time already. I'm recharged! And I really appreciated it.

Lounged around for a bit more before I decided to embark on my Tiramisu-making adventure! Adventure being an understatement. It was all going good- the zabaglione turned out nice and custardy. The strong black coffee (my Mom brewed!) had a killer aroma, especially with a generous amount of Baileys dumped in. The mascarpone cheese, slightly whipped, was smooth to perfection.

By the way, you'd think gourmet-priced cheese would taste fine, or even have a goumet taste to it. But no, mascarpone tastes like crap. Ok it's just bland. Like nothing- to the extent it tastes bad.

UNTIL. I started to whip the cream. Seriously can anyone tell me what the difference is between whipping cream, and buying whipped cream? I was told to use the electric mixer to whip the cream. So I did. And I didn't know how long it'd take, so I left it. Less than a minute later, liquid started spurting out of the electric mixer. My cream had separated itself into butter. (Literally butter-looking yellow butter) And unknown liquid. Amazing huh.

I thought it must've been the high speed the mixer was going on (which wasn't really, it was on 1!) and proceeded to whip the last of my thickened cream by hand with a whisk instead. Furiously beating the cream like a mixer would, again it separated itself into butter and unknown liquid in less than 10 seconds! Mortifying.

I'd already used up all the cream, and my Mom couldn't do anything to help me!
Mom: Aiya call your friend la!
-rings Yarn-
Yarn: ....... Ask your mother to help you la!


Took a walk to Tmall to grab some more cream and practically ran all the way home because I was certain it was the heat that probably caused my cream to not work well (which wasn't the case, I realized)! Hmph. The third batch of cream was almost successful, that's coz my Mom helped whisk it properly. But we were so excited about it looking like it should, we continued whipping it until it was on its way to becoming butter. Which it did. Ayeeeeeeeee!

Last bit of cream. Took utmost caution, and finally! *insert skipping ninja* Anyhoo by the time I'd finished assembling the Tiramisu and clearing up my mess, it was almost 6. Gasp!


Went for dinner with the fam. Our initial plans of dining at the Botanics were thwarted coz it was once again extremely crowded and filled to the max, with heaps of people waiting around for a table. Honestly I don't understand why we always have to choose to dine there on a weekend where every typical Singaporean would be there to "try the new food place out". I don't even know why we're rushing with the crowd when we have the rest of the weekdays/months/years to dine there. Seeing as how we live just a lane away for cryin' out loud!

The Saturday it'd opened, my Mom was so excited (as were we- we've been living with that crap construction for the longest time! And didn't think it had -finally- opened!) she wanted to go check it out immediately. To which my Dad said, "What for you go chiong with everyone else! You have the rest of your life man!" Haha.

Come to think of it, right from when we'd moved in to T.Serasi, it's been construction almost non-stop, everywhere around us :S First the estate undergoing a major facelift, then some neighbour or the other has to move in and do renovations, then the food place directly next to our block had to be taken away (thank God! Just made us feel like it was satay everyday/night for mealtimes. The smell my goodness...), then the expansion of the Cluny Road, (more neighbours moving in and out: more renovation works) THEN the whole Botanic Gardens project. Am thankful for being away the most part. BGardens have taken forever and it's finally up and running!

For the record, some neighbour's doing renovations at the mo. Eeps.


I've been putting off doing heaps of things, like reply to Chewy's mail! He's the only one who still sends mails to my Hotmail account- that I'm still able to receive. Haven't heard from him in eons and it was a pleasant surprise when his mail came through! I really miss the 136Albany flatties and the 223bLeith boys :( It was Yet Tyng's 22nd birthday on Tuesday and I really wished I were there to celebrate it with the rest of the people! It was such a massive affair last year- and I'd imagine it to be nothing smaller this year- everybody LOVES Yet Tyng :)

I miss how she mothers me. In fact, because I was the baby of the flat, I was their little princess hehe. All of them! Always their lil princess. *beams*


I was really taken aback when I received that e-mail notification about someone posting a comment on a video I'd uploaded online early this year. It's such an old video I'd made, and was once so proud of it. It was once so sweet and dear to me.

But it obviously means nothing to me anymore. Nothing more than some pictures and captions put together, with a track playing in the background. Which is why I was surprised when a passer-by came to leave a comment, and thanking me for that video. I've completely forgotten about it. Probably time I took it off.


Saw the tutee kid Monday avo. After trying to avoid doing Science previously, I had to give in and wait on as she threw me with heaps of science questions I never knew. Shucks. Since when has P5 Science became so creative and challenging and well, difficult! I was stumped over and over again. Yes, shame on me I know.

Because she had to ask me a question every other 10 seconds or so, and I clearly did not have the answers from the top of my head like any good teacher would, I told her to do those she knew first, and leave those she didn't, blank.

Not surprisingly, the (FULL) paper was completed within half and hour, 60% of the paper was blank. A good, normal tutor would immediately go through the paper with the kid, teach her what she doesn't already know, correct her mistakes etc. I mean yeah that's what you're there for, no?

But because I didn't want to mark the paper in front of her and have to EXPLAIN her mistakes/ fill in her blanks for her (simply because I don't think I knew the answers either ... ) I told her I'd take it back to mark (consult smartypants Matt/Mom/Dad!). She must have wondered WHY I had to do that, considering it wouldn't be hard to mark a paper that was only 40% filled, of which 50% was probably guess work, therefore: funny answers. But oh yeah it is tedious.

She knew exactly why, and even giggled to herself, when I said "to scare myself" because she knows her funny answers always give me little heart attacks, ridiculously funny as they can be. On top of that though, it's because Science questions are so crazily creative these days I don't even know how to get about answering them much less explaining them to her. Thus I really meant "scare myself looking through the paper, trying to figure out how best to deliver to her" when I said that.

Ended up asking Ken, who not-so-subtlely told me that they were "very easy, what". Ah ok.

My other tutee kid now wears a watch, and openly looks at it every now and then, COUNTING DOWN out loud in my face. Eh young child, I'd love to let you go early too, but your Mother wouldn't be too pleased that's the thing. I know it's tiring/ not the most exciting thing to be doing butttt it'll do you some good :)


Having said that, everything's been great. I can't ask for more.
Thank you Lord, for all You've done!

Also, I realized that if you said Grace for every little morsel of food/drink you consume, you suddenly see how blessed you are. So much so that we take it forgranted at times. Here we are, taking 3 meals (4/5 for some) a day, not counting snacking in between meals, morning/afternoon tea/supper ETC. And there the people are in third-world countries, struggling to find a drop of clean water, much less a decent meal, or even random scraps of food. And most of us have fish, veg & meat in every meal kinda thing.

I'm just so thankful and grateful, and I don't know why I was born here in Singapore where we live quite substantively, for I've done nothing to deserve this. Then again nothing we do/have done will ever justify enough why we've been given what God has given us. It's solely by the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Living in luxury, and not in shambles of a third-world country. But I know I've been
And I can't thank You enough.

So Grace must not be taken as simply a token obligatory prayer you recite quickly just so you can sink your chops in the food in the fastest possible time.


And just so you'd like to know, YES the Tiramisu turned out fab and it's yummy! If I do say so myself. Hehe.

Oh and also, Tiramisu means "pick me up" in Italian ;)

Friday, July 14, 2006

kids say/ do the darnest things

Ugh. I was reading the morning papers along with Banana Nut Crunch, and I was starting to get really sick from reading about the skeleton that was found in some old abandoned house. It doesn't get any worse, does it? It was quite nauseating, especially when there were pictures of the house inserted. I visualise and think too much for my own good. I can't fathom how anyone could live like that, amidst the amount of rubbish and the musky smell (I'd imagine), in a junkyard of a house.

But it's really pitiful to have died for ages without anyone knowing, or even being there as you left this world. Baffles me how the stench from a decomposing body did not get to the neighbours.

Anyhow it was quite gross, and did not go well with breakfast.

I'm up earlier than usual today, and I don't know why. I was up last night talking to my sis (who was up early at 6am and fretting about demonstrating later in the morning lol).

My poor coughing and wheezing brother is on MC today.


God has been answering all my prayers lately, re: my tutee kids! Thank you, Lord! But now, it's a different problem altogether.

I'd hoped and prayed my tutee kids wouldn't be soooooo smart they'd outsmart me, and I'd be stumped and embarrassed and sheepish. The P5 one has successfully managed to make me want to warmit braaarrd, within 2 weeks. But my little p3 tutee made me want to WARMIT BRRAAARD 30 minutes into the session. *takes deep breath*

Far from being overly brainy and intelligent, my little tutee hardly knows anything at all. So it was really tedious when I had to explain every other word in a sentence to him. Came to a point where I was so tired (physically, and just tired from talking), I said, "'Unreasonable' means ... not reasonable, you know?" as I explained the meaning of 'unreasonable' to him. Which of course wasn't helping, since he knew not what 'reasonable' meant.

I also went to the extent of trying my best to explain some words in Mandarin (beat that!) for him. Some easier ones, like what 'courteous', 'co-operative', 'stingy' meant. BEST PART WAS: He didn't understand what it was in Mandarin either.

I wanted to pull all my hair out.

"Ok what does 'violent' mean?"
"Got 2! One is the colour ... the other one is .. uhh I don't know how to say!"
"*proceedes to explain what violent really means* and the COLOUR, did you say? That is viOlet! *more explanation/ description*"

'Brought' and 'bought' are the same,
so are 'sacks' and 'snacks'.

"Ali has 4 sNacks of durians ...."

Indeed it was challenging. My little tutee kid warmed up to me within minutes, and when kids warm up to you, they get comfy with you, and start trying to be funny. He's so adorable though, but I don't think his mother would be too pleased if I'd allowed him to climb on top of my head, and not learn anything in the process. Sadly.

"So what is the difference between 'brought' and 'bought'? Ok what is 'brought'? What is the present tense of 'brought'?"
"Dunno! :D"
"What is the present tense of 'bought'?"
"Dunno! :D"
"Do you know how to use the dictionary? I'll teach y..."
"Ok then you show me."
"....... I dunno. Hehe."

And then the OTHER tutee kid, amongst all the other things she said/did (which almost made me go into a bout of fits), the other day she was trying to use long division to solve 25 divided by 2. Which looks something like this:

Somehow her answer turned out to be 12. So I asked her:
"12 ah? Then you tell me what is 12 x 2."
"*thinks for a bit* ... 24!!!!!!"
"Uh huh then ... *points at long division working*"
"*deep in thought* OHHHHHHH!!!!"
Then proceeds to change her working TO:


Numbers with decimals and those without can be added together:

7 divided by 2 = 35



No wonder her Mom was shocked (big understatement) when I told her she learns fast (but that was just the first session when she was still the good tutee kid, attentive and co-operative), because apparently she'd "lost patience teaching her". And did she say she'd given up too?

Anyway the reason why I'm doing this is because I had a LOT of time to kill over summer, and they've only recently rang me up after school's started. So why not since I have some time on my hands, and besides I actually thought it might be fun. Yes.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

big/small risks

On top of Public Law already being boring as it is, I was super tired today too. So I fell asleep in Mr. Supra's lecture today without intending to. Yes I do feel extremely bad about that coz I think it's plain rude and discourteous to be sleeping in class. And it shows no form of respect whatsoever to the lecturer.

But the eyelids were very heavy, and when Supra had to take a call halfway, they just gave way and I slept for approx 10minutes. Power nap. I wasn't paying much attention throughout the rest of the lect coz I was busy trying to keep awake more than anything else. So I doodled, and scribbed some random thoughts off my head.

I'd gone to bed at 4ish the night before.
Because I was up doing work/ surfing the web/ looking at pretty things AND:
Because I was listening (reading) to a live commentary of a fashion show.


It's visualising and getting excited coz it feels as if you'd been the one back from a massive shopping spree yourself hehe. Super cute! Shopping is such love! [Ah. Ok. Makes mental note to self to have to curb bad habit!]

I remember feeling really crummy once back in Dunnerz, and had told my Mom I needed some retail therapy. All she said was "Rubbish. There's no such thing as retail therapy." Boo.

Gonna crash soon or I might fall asleep in Supra's again tomorrow. Don't want that to happen.


Always loved this coz it's just so true. Really we should just go for it sometimes aye. To let loose, let love, let God.

The Dilemma
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk rejection.
To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazzard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow, or love.
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave.
He has forfeited his freedom.
Only a person who takes risks is free.

Isn't it true sometimes it's better not to expect too much, or expect anything at all, because when you do, you're only allowing yourself to be more prone to a bigger disappointment at the end.

Then isn't expecting something a risk in itself? Risk of disappointment, and all the other feelings that come along with it. Of being vulnerable and exposing yourself to the possibility of being hurt again.

I don't know aye.

To expose feelings is to risk rejection.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.

But only a person who takes risks is free.



Off to bed.
Lyds and Nat leave tomorrow.

It's strange I keep thinking how I was deliriously happy as the pathetic fireworks display was put on, but for a different reason altogether. No, it can't be?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

crazy antics


So I was diligently (no, REALLY) doing my Criminal stuffs on automatism when Yi dropped by to chat. I thought I was the only one with a shopping disease but noooo! Yi's fretting, too. There are always things to fret about (re: shopping, that is). Like whether or not you should make that sinful purchase, whether it's worth it, whether you should even be pampering yourself (yet again- because apparently the last time was The Last Time), then what design/colour/pattern you should get it in, what size fits best, then- oh! When you've finally decided to go for it, lo-and-behold! No size! No stock! No this and that! So maybe God is saying no. Hrm. The latest, as it is, is fretting about not having someone overseas who's coming back soon. (Right, Yi?) Go figure. Heh. On the way home today it started pouring so I had to seek shelter at Ngee Ann City. Rang the Mom, and since, coincidentally she had a facial appointment at Takashimaya in the late afternoon, thought I'd just wait up for her so we could go home together.

What better opportunity/excuse to check the sale at Mango out. It was really disappointing but I was secretly happy there was nothing to tempt myself with. Anyway Dad gave Mom a ride to Takashimaya so I hitched a ride back! Wasn't raining anymore anyway. Weather was soooo cool! I lourve! :)

Ooh. Yay. The inconsiderate security guard from across the road has turned his stupid radio off. Retired for the night I see. Why do managements of private estates even bother hiring security guards at night, since all they do is to sleep the night away anyway? They leave the barrier open, such that any vehicle has entrance to the private estate. Either that or they're just too old/fat to move very fast, should anything happen. Maybe plonking an old AND fat security guard is meant to deter potential buglars and what have you. It's all in the mind. Maybe residents feel safer with the knowledge of a guard .. guarding the estate. Seriously doesn't work that way though. Fat sloppy security guards. Rah.

So we were chatting about Mutant Mangoes (still amazed- one Mutant Mango can feed a family substantially for after-dinner fruits), and somehow the topic of Joel sending us the same text came about. "I'm in a rubbish truck. Yuck so smelly". Ok. Firstly, duh. Rubbish trucks are not meant to smell like a bed of roses, or even anything close. Secondly, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING IN A RUBBISH TRUCK JOEL CHAN? Hahahahahahaha I got that text during Criminal and I had to stifle my laugh coz Anandi was a little anal today, for whatever reason, snapping at us for nothing.

Mutant Mangoes and me going to attempt to stuff myself with the whole thing someday, brought about the topic of Joel (yes, again) and his leg of ham. One fateful Friday before cell, Joel and I were at Carrefour in search of food (before our Ikea dinner with the rest). Then Joel set his eyes upon a full leg of ham and said he'd once bought the whole thing and wanting to be barbaric, he started gnawing at the leg of ham as it was. And finished the entire thing. By himself. Without slicing the ham up.

I was ... beyond words (still am). But still managed to talk him outta getting another leg of ham for pre-dinner snacks. Had to put a stop to his umm, caveman ways. LOL.

Did you know that being diabetic could give you defenses of automatism and insanity if you decide to do something nutty? There are, of course, strict requirements. But yeah. WOW!

Ok gonna have to embrace myself for the following two days of Public Law. Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk.


Monday, July 10, 2006

viva la italia

2 minutes into the game it occured to me (then I remembered): Of course! The Italy jersey's blue! So pardon my sheer ignorance that led to the outburst of me exclaming about my blue tank not having anything to do with Italy ... *sheepish* Please do not be shocked beyond words or anything. It's only ... normal.

It would've been marvellous if the rest could have joined us last night. We missed you all very much! Um, especially when it was only Yi, Matthew and myself left watching the game when 2am ticked by. VON AND JOEL SLEPT THE ENTIRE NIGHT AWAY RIGHT FROM 11ISH. (Shame on you! :p)

OH YES, a little into the match I went back in, and there Joel was, groggy and squinting at me.
Joel: *rubs eyes* ..... Where am I?
Me: You're in my bedroom.
Joel: *looks at Von on the bed, rubs eyes* Who is she?
Me: She's Yvonne. And I'm Cheryl.
Joel: *rubs eyes* Ya I know.
Me: *gasps and thinks: Wow he does ..* Are you watching with us or not!! Match! Outside!
Joel: *rubs eyes* Where am I?
Me: You're at my place.
Joel: *grunts* Ok no. *retreats back under the duvet*

.................... WAH.

It was a bit of a struggle trying to keep awake. Matthew went to bed at 8 and got up at half past 1, and proved his little strategy to work very well! That boy was multi-tasking watching the game and playing a soccer game on his cellphone at the same time. Eh.

5 minutes before 1st half ended, Yi and I looked at each other: "I'm so sleepy!" LOL.

But we caught most parts of the game :D

It started freezing, both in the room and in the lounge where we were. But because Von and Joel took both the duvets, Yi and I bunked in the lounge instead. Was pouring & thundering- nice and cool, but probably a little too cold.

"Lightning always comes before thunder!" HAHA!

Ok that was random, but speaking of which, we did eventually put on Cars .. and well, didn't get about really watching it. Hrm there must be something about the show aye.

We all got up at 8, washed up and lazed about more, complained more about it being so chilly, yawned a zillion more times (even them both who've slept .. ALL NIGHT. With the duvet some more! The audacity!) Then headed to town for breakfast.

Dropped by Gleneagles before with the intention of looking up Sharon (who couldn't join us the night before because she had to work. Pity.) but we realized we didn't exactly know where she was stationed. Couldn't reach her either so after sitting at the 8th floor and looking clueless for a while, we left for town.

Went to PS after with Yi to get the Fox tanks! Now she's got the same Brazil one as me, only in yellow. Cool beans. I loike! ;)

Nat's 21st tonight. Was bestowed the glorious task of getting the prezzie and I haven't. Gotta hunt for one later in the avo. Ahhh last minute again.


It was so weird as we went for our run at the BGardens yesterday morning. One of them had asked something, and after I'd given an answer, I could just sense the burning desire from the both of them to say something. Yet no one did. Then there was that awkward silence for a coupla seconds.

However all's not lost. They did eventually give it to me at night when ALL of them were there to attack me together and give me a lot of umm, unwanted attention. Hrm. WHY??!

I've got incriminating photos of you guys snoozing away (when you weren't supposed to!) that I said I was gonna shame you both to death. Hahaha .. WELL.

Ok Cherylsleepytimes now. Really exhausted. It was great having you guys over. Thanks for coming all the way down. It was fantastic company, as always :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

embarrassingly unfit

YIPEE! We're watching the World Cup finals Italy v France tonight at my place, at a crazy 2 am in the morning!

I think I'll support Italy. I'm not a footie fan, and I'd probably be the one with the least football knowledge tonight (I'm my sister's #1 blondie) hehe BUT, I'll go for Italy because I love pasta. And because red and green are Christmas colours (I LOVE!). Aaaannd, also because I've got a top that says Italy on it and I shall wear it tonight. There you go, all the wrong and very, very, superficial reasons for rooting for a football team ;)

Of all the ridiculous reasons for cheering on a team- like certain players being oh-so-hot, and other crazy justifications, mine will have to take the cake. Haha!

And I got the top because of its colour- a very nice shade of blue (WILL YOU BEAT THAT- I don't even know where blue came from!)


Now, on to my very feeble attempt at a morning run today.

By the way, Von bailed out on us because she couldn't get up this morning, not even after "[her] phone was blasting ohio... Ohio... OHIO!!" LOL.

So whilst Joel and I were waiting for Huiyi, I had a bowl of Blueberry Morning cereal
#1: because I needed breakfast
#2: because it's so yummy and I was greedy (ok what's new).

Bad move.

2 minutes into the run and already I could feel the cereal in my tummy threatening to launch itself out. Then came the stitch (from the milk? I don't know.) which lasted the entire run. Approx 4kms later, I had to let them both continue with the run whilst I umm, enjoyed the beautiful park surroudings hehe. The greenery, fresh air, kids, and dogs. And yes I am ashamed at myself! We gotta do this more. Or Cheryl'd never make it to 10kms. Moan groan weep cry brawl.

Met them again and we headed home to grab cash. For breakfast at Tmall. God is so good to us. It wasn't till we stepped back into my apartment before it started pouring. Heavily. Had to negotiate with time as we got ready for church. Got a ride with Mom and Matthew- really thankful for that!

Sky's so gloomy.

Oh yeah we'll probably do Cars tonight. Gosh it's been on the agenda for ages and we still haven't got about watching it! Joey why are you in Hong Kong? :(

5 tann-er girls


Praise God!

And thank you Von, Yi, Zhi and Huijia! I really enjoyed the fellowship and company!

Met Yi early at 2.15, got a ride to Redhill train station with the folks hehe .. Spared us from walking under the scorching sun. Took a train down to Kallang, and met Huijia at the train station! Which was umm, a surprise, coz we initially thought all of them would be late anyway lol. But she was only 1 of 3 who was on time! Proceeded to Macas to grab some food before following the crowd to the National Stadium :)

Met Von and Matthew who'd cabbed there, then Ken who had to pass me one more ticket. Queued to make our way in, was given a plastic bag which contained a bottle of water, the un-inflated clapper things, some security band thingum, and a flag! Only my flag didn't have a flag. Um, I had the flagpole (flagstick?) without the FLAG itself :(

So the girls told me to go get another one. The army boys (men?!) happily gave me like 5 more flags. "ALL FOR YOU!" Maybe coz I looked so sad and despondant I didn't have a flag hehehe ...

Got some decent seats, and sweltered like pigs under the scorching sun for the next hour and half or so. The wait before the parade actually started was rather lengthy, and I think the girls sitting behind us, and the middle-aged couple couldn't take sitting in the sun for ages- so they left. Before the show started! Pity aye.

Went back out shortly with Von to get Zhi. Was a massive queue back in, although it was already way past the time we were supposed to be seated by. Typically Singaporean, where wedding dinners only start at 9 when the wedding invite states for you to be seated by 7. And where National Day Parade starts at 6/6.30 when you're meant to be seated by 4.45. By and by everyone just comes 1-2 hours late to minimise waiting time on their part, not have to sit in the sun for like- ever, and be on time for the performance/dinner/what-have-you. Hrm.

Waiting time is bonding time! :D

Soon the whole stadium was a sea of red and white :) It's nice seeing people making an effort and being enthusiastic about this event, although it isn't the actual parade, or even the Preview itself. Yi and I had pink tops on, whist Von and Zhi were decked in black. And poor Huijia whining the afternoon away, about being silly to be wearing jeans. "SO HOTTTTTT!"

A while later, the sky was slightly overcast, and we felt raindrops every now and then. But GOD IS GOOD. The sky cleared soon after :) Praise God!

The Parade wasn't spectecular or anything. This being its first full dress rehearsal, there were obviously technical glitches, and funny performers making funny mistakes that were so evident from an spectator's view.

Nothing extremely special, no WOW factor or anything. As per every year however, the Redlions and the fighter jets were the attraction! And they never fail to impress the crowd.

Also, after 4 years, I finally sang the National Anthem and said the Pledge again today.

Being there and watching the Combined-Schools Choir made me really miss being in NDP, and being part of the Combined-Schools Choir, as tiring as the weekly rehearsals got. Crazy 10am-10pm rehearsals under the sun, a shade darker and dehydrated as each week went by.The year I was part of the NDP, it was really interactive too, with the Fun Dance and all. Aye ...

Having said that, it doesn't take a WOW event to make my day. For Cheryl really, it's always the company :) I thorougly, I say that again and again, enjoy the girls' company :)

HUH rocks.

Zhi (on the line with Joel): EHHhhh you looked really smart just now, leh!
Joel: REALLY you managed to see me?!
Zhi: YAH. Everybody just looked the same lor.


Made our way to town for a drink before most had to head home. Walked Von to Cuppage Plaza to meet her sista before I trooped home myself. I finally know where Cuppage is! We were both clueless but I couldn't possibly leave her looking for a building alone at night soooo!

Joel, Yi, Von and I are going a-running tomorrow morning at BGardens! Then bfast! Then shower and church! Can't wait already!

I know it's cliched to take pictures of fireworks, but I couldn't help snapping along, especially since they were true to their words, and when they spoke of not having "high level fireworks", THEY MEANT IT. We got little bouts of fireworks here and there. Aaaannnndd, because I was using the cam on my cellphone, it does that laggy thing that captures, then saves what it captures (for the 2nd time) at THAT specific second. Which means to say, whenever a picture is taken, the cam has to be in that same position, smiles frozen- for a few moments- before the same image is saved, if you got what I meant.

Which also means that, since I couldn't possibly make the fireworks STAY the way they were, my reflexes were slow and I caught mostly the SMOKE LEFT AFTER THE FIREWORKS HAD EXPLODED IN THE SKY. Yes funny I know.

I've got real pretty pictures nonetheless! (Courtesy of Zhi!)

Spot Joel!

Really I wonder why I always have to stand in between tall people.
Or umm, maybe the ground was just uneven.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

NDP full dress screening

This week has passed so slowly. Everyday has been crawling. Beats me why though.

Today, we went for our Contract lect. Which signifies the last lecture of the week.


Tomorrow we set forth! To Kallang! For the National Day- I can't say Preview- well the full dress rehearsal then!

It says (amongst all the other normalities), on the shabby cheaparse ticket printed without colour, on cheap flimsy blue vanguard sheet (gee I gripe too much about insignificant nitty gritty things!):

  • You are encouraged to come dressed in red
  • Viewing of full dress rehearsal
  • No high level fireworks
  • No fun packs
  • Bring your own food, drinks and wet weather gear etc



Of such cardinal sin! How can you go to a NDP thingy without a fun pack!? No fun pack = no Singapore (fake) tattoos, no lousy noisy annoying instruments to clang around with, no fun stuffs to participate along with, when the hosts urge you to. And no free sponsored food. BOOOOOOOOOOO.

Hope it'll be great nonetheless.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

of everything

Today I walked into another part of Singapore.

Ok this will be short. Cheryl has yet another essay to be turned in tomorrow urgh. Oh but we never know :p

It's a little different from stepping into the heartlands of Singapore, whereby it's mostly high-rise HDB apartments, little minimarts and various provision shops lining the ground floors of the apartment blocks, primary & secondary schools here and there. And now it seems like there's a mall at almost every district!

Anyways after school I had to run a little errand for Matthew. Joyce and I made our way towards Bugis and along the way ... we had to walk through Rochor(?) Road. It's hard to describe.

But WOW.

The last time I'd been there was when I was still in primary school, and was sent for some stupid Chinese classes at Fu Lu Shou Complex which I very much dreaded each week. (And hated deeply, needless to say.) The only highlight of being there on Saturday afternoons was waiting whilst my sister gets her turn at Chinese classes (haha!) so my Mommy and I could go shopping at Bugis Junction. Yeah anyway the classes were so hard and I think I wasted everyone's time, money and effort taking me to classes religiously every single Saturday, rain or shine. Because I never did any of the homework assigned to me. Neither did I listen during classes.

It was one of the more popular Chinese education centres at that time, that every kid who went there benefitted from it, everyone but me. Garh. It's tough enough struggling with the language, let alone have LADIES FROM CHINA trying to converse and teach the whole frickin lesson to you in their ... accent. And assign me work that only smart-as kids from China would've been able to tackle effortlessly, without a drop of sweat.

Ok this was supposed to be about Rochor Road.

Yeah but I'm having a little difficulty putting my short experience there into words. Basically it just made me, the ultimate City Girl (somehow this reminds me of Citycabs LOL) open my big eyes even wider, to see well, something completely different from my everyday city life. There were just heaps of old-ish uncles and aunties tending to their little food/clothe stalls. Thing is, everyone just seemt so laidback, and contented kinda thing. Like they're just happy doing whatever they were doing, no competition, no rushing with the rest of Singapore. Just happy to be in that neighbourhood, amongst the rest of their mates :) Also makes me wonder exactly how many out of all the uncles and aunties know Christ and are saved. It'll be great to know that they're happy simply coz they HAVE Christ. Nothing else required.

Something definitely worth a mention tho: you know those push cart $1 ice-cream thingys along the entire stretch of Orchard Road? Well it's only 80cents along Rochor Road LOL. And ice-cream cones are 50cents. HOW MUCH CHEAPER CAN IT GET? And what are they earning really. Hrm.

There were like 5 ice-cream push carts all together in a circle. Cute! Haha.

Bugis Street was crowded with people, people and MORE people 4.30pm on a weekday avo. So weird. And I'd thought it only comes to life at night. Guess there isn't really a specific time where shopping comes alive aye? ;)

I love Bugis Street. It reminds me of a pasar-malam, just a little more up-market hehe. I haven't been to pasar-malams in the longest time. All the FOOD.

Proceeded to the National Library to check a book out for Matthew, only to find out that the 10 over copies they had in the library were strictly for reference. Aaarrrrrrrghhhhhh. So back down town I went, to the Library @ Orchard. The book for his ERP, Little Ironies: Stories of Singapore by Catherine Lim, turned out to be this small and thin paperback. Praytell why 10ish copies had to be classified under reference material. Ack.

Trooped home soon after for dinner with the fam.

Still agonizing over the poisonous looking zit on my chin threatening to ... engulf and kill me or something. Such a hindrance I wish it'll just go away and quit bothering me :(

I also have been eating heaps lately. Eating and growing fat FATTTTTTTTT. I need to run. But I'm so unmotivated to put on those running shoes and head to BGardens, even when it's just a traffic light away, (or just a lane away if you'd like to jaywalk LOL).

Speaking of which, who's still going for the New Balance Real Run? I um, humbly believe we need to train, and there're dates where we could go down to check the route/distance/markers out and things like that. Oh and we need to register too. Most definitely :)

Weather lately has been real hot, to say the least. Which also means being in an air-conditioned place most of the times. Thus the dry skin. Ugh.

I should go visit Dunnerz soon. I really miss the flatties. And the 223B Leith boys. And wearing all my coats and boots. And just the little university town itself. I miss the Farmers Market, that I've only managed to get up in time for it like a few times hehheh. Anyone wants to go to NZ? I'll take ya around Dunedin (Cadbury factory! Speights brewery!) and Wellington (nothing exciting at all!). Then we can go around Auckland (shopping + food!)/ Christchurch (more shopping and more food!) with a map! Hehe. Ok I'm quite keen really. But Thailand first!

Nat's invited us over for his 21st party next Monday. I can't think of what to get.

Ok I was gonna write about something else but .. yes. Shall go do other more important stuffs :D

AND YES! I've most certainly kept this short!
Hehehehehehe :p

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

midnight ramble

Another of God's beautiful works :)

A nice pretty um .. dog. My sis calls me a blondie coz I only know the diff between a poodle and a chihuahua LOL. (And perhaps a bulldog, because they're so .. bulldog-looking.)

Some cropped jacket at Nike, which wasn't very nice.

Ok that was so random. I've got a zit on my chin and it's so infuriating!!!!! :(


Oooooooooooohhhh I love kids. Such lovable huggable endearing lil honeys. Full of sunshine and laughter and chirp. And of much innocence! Little bubs. Ayeeeee ... love!
I want a baby! :D

Monday, July 03, 2006

monday greens

Having Mondays off makes me a fat procrastinator. I'm under the impression that I've got a lot of time on my hands over the weekends soooo, yes it's Monday again today and I've got a Criminal essay to be turned in tomorrow! And I'm typing this amidst doing other unnecessary things like reading stuffs and ummm, shopping online.

I haven't been shopping in a looooong time, especially since the GSS has started, it almost feels as if the whole of Singapore is in town prowling the streets and malls for some cheap good deals. Which is why the city is so crowded and sickening over the weekends. Everyone loves a good deal.

However because I can't imagine walking body-to-body, face-to-back-of-head with some sweaty random stranger, I'd rather not join in the rat race, and remain sane somewhere else.

Besides, the stuffs left on the shelf when Cheryl comes along are always 5 sizes too big or just very gaudy. So more often than not, I'd end up getting the non-sale items. Which defeats the purpose of having to squeeze with the rest of Singapore for a good deal. Hrm.

Ok did I just type all that out to justify why I'm even shopping online? Haha.
(It's such excitement when the parcel comes through the mail, by the way.)

It's been many minutes and I'm still wondering how to get about tackling the darned OL essay. And I'd probably only get down to serious thinking in the unearthly hours tonight. .......... I work better under stress haha.

OOOH lookie check this out. I was randomly surfing, and found this at the Ministry of Youth Affairs New Zealand site:

Ever felt like today's youngsters are speaking a different language? The following table (courtesy of the Ministry of Youth Affairs) aims to allow many of us brush up on some current youth terms...

FUNNY! I can't believe they actually took the trouble to compile something like that! It's like seeing all the slangy/ teenager stuffs we used to say being penned down by adults who're really trying hard to be a blender LOL. Ayeee, those were the WGC days ;)

Accidentally triggered something off and the Chinese text thingum came up. Lookie what I managed! 我的名是陈嘉欣我很乖!Hehe. (Um, that's the right character for guai right?)


We had Lydia and Nat over for dinner this evening, for some Singapore-lovin' home cooked food :)

It was such a massive spread, what supposedly was meant to be just a "simple meal". Hosts (and especially the cook), will always be so modest. Dinner big enough for a 6 pax dinner.

Dad single-handedly whipped up the prawns, pacific clams, veg, steamed fish, and granted we got the chicken from the stalls heh. Topping it up with soup brewed since the arvo, Cantonese-styled. ALL BY HIMSELF! I umm .. arranged the chicken.

I know we often take it forgranted, and never say this enough, but DAD IS SUCH AN AWESOME COOK. I'm full of awe and admiration for my Dad, who always tries to provide us with home-cooked food, no matter how busy he is. Yes, my Dad does the cooking at home, and does an excellent job at that.

I was gonna take a pic for the sista who's missing it all, but everyone seemt to have sunk their chops in the glorious food before anything. Hrm.

We all had fat and full stummies after, had a whole heap of fruits, before Mom had the dessert served up. Phood, PHOOOD and MORE PHOOOOOOOOOD!!!!

The sibs are thankful to escape the crazy winter in Dunnerz for a short break back here. My poor sister's stuck back there doing research on a cold winter's night LOL.

Lydia keeps urging me to go back to Dunnerz buttt nay. I'm lovin' it here, more than I ever did. And I thank God DAILY for that. Praise God! Over and over again!


Can't wait for Christmas.

Edit: Joel and I finally went for the Thai Fest at the Royal Thai Embassy, on its last day (ie, today)! It was quite disappointing actually, to say the least. There wasn't much. Poobums. I want the real thing! Someone organise a trip to Thailand pretty please!! Will love you for .. a long time hehe :p

OK. Time to embark on The Essay.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

of egg-tarts

Tonight, instead of joining the rest of the cell at Huiyi's for the England v Portugal game, I caught it with the father&son duo in the lounge instead.

It wasn't quite as exciting, really, and we spent a good bit of the game snorting at the commentator's ridiculously irrelevant (and sometimes uncalled for) comments and random sudden outbursts. Hilarious whilst they lasted.

I suddenly miss Lambton Quay.

And this has been at the back of my mind for sometime now, so tonight was apt as I pop-quized Matthew :D

"Would Portuguese egg-tarts have anything to do with Portugal?!"
I got the biggest look of bewilderment in return.

For the record, yes I think so.

Wikipedia also generously shared a picture of a tray of burnt Portuguese egg-tarts, with showers of blessing (read: water) upon them, before the entire tray of tarts actually torches up.

Ok wait, sorry I re-read the para again and my bad- it isn't water to put out fire from the burnt tarts, instead, the tray of tarts "requires a finishing touch of topping with a layer of syrup or granulated sugar, then baking in the oven to caramelize the sugar".

Seriously, of all pictures to use for illustration purposes.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I look and feel terrible and very dead.

I haven't heard Singapore's National Anthem in say, 4 years (?) now. 6am I was STILL lying in bed with my eyes wide open. Suddenly the National Anthem came on the radio and it brought a smile to my face. Bred such strange familarity. It's great to be back in Singapore.



This is a regular-sized papaya. >>>>>>>This is Mutant Mango.

And this comparison-contrast really cracks me up. You should see the real thing man.

Young primary school kids aspiring to be hip-hop dancers in future ;)

"He hipped and he hopped. He loved hip-hop." LOL ok irrelevant.


Matthew's got a bump on his forehead from polo training and the folks have got him to ice the bruise himself, which he's been rather lazy to do it consistently. SO, the folks have also threatened to take him to this old physiotherapist uncle (whom we've always gone to when we sprain our ankles etc). Which is why I don't really get it.

By the way, for a frail-looking old man like the uncle, he exerts force 100 times more than what he appears to possess. Which is scary. He makes you sit on this creaky stool that creaks like crazy when you squirm and wince whilst he forces your twisted/sprained (insert part of body) back into shape.

So pray tell why is it my folks want to take the brother to the uncle! I mean if all he's going to do is rub the bruise with all his might such that the bump turns concave on the forehead, and comes out from the back of his head ...

He's quite thankful though.

"Aiyo is it quite common?"
"At least I didn't get kicked in the balls ..."


It's quarter to 5, and I'm wide awake.

(Note: pointless entry ahead)

I'd stayed up watching the game between Germany and Argentina with Matthew a while before, then watched more tv and did some light reading before attempting to retire for the night. But I've been tossing and turning in bed for the past almost 2 hours, watching the tealight from my aromatherapy stand flicker about, threatening to die out for a long time already, but still hasn't.

Truth is, I am very, very tired. I just can't seem to go to sleep.

Soon the sky will be bright again, and everyone else will be up and ready to embrace a brand new day.

During cell earlier on in the evening, my heart felt extremely heavy, to the point I really wanted to cry. Beats me why though. So I prayed and asked the Lord. But yeah.

On the way home, I passed a young, pretty girl jogging. It was already 11ish. Said a little prayer for the Lord to protect and watch over her, because it just isn't very safe to be going for a run alone at that time, especially when BGardens is still undergoing some construction and there're heaps of well, foreign workers around. I'm not trying to stereotype or anything like that, but you know the danger that lies ...

Can't wait for tomorrow already :)
This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

It was cool watching soccer with the brother. Am not sure if you're not supposed to be talking heaps when one's intently watching on, but I did anyway hehe. And it just occured to me I must've sounded like the ultimate bimbotic sister who was watching soccer for the first time LOL. But hey! At least I wasn't cooing over the players ok.

I can fully understand why everyone's so excited watching a game. It IS exciting, especially when you're rooting for a team, which I wasn't. My initial intentions were to provide my brother with some soccer-watching company, coz my Dad had already gone to bed after the 1st half of the game, and it is more fun to watch a game with someone else umm .. right? But like I said, don't know if I was annoying him too much with my constant babble heh. *Sheepish*

And if you'd believe it, I did the hula-hoops whilst watching the game. Yep. Stop sniggering already. Went on for a considerable amount of time, which resulted in my tummy turning red and itchy. Argh. The only other time I encountered anything like that, was when I tried using the U-Zap for 10 minutes. WHOLE tummy turned an awful shade of purple. Lasted for a coupla hours, and it was the most torturing. Blotchy, hot and itchy (yet not really).

I also realized my entire family owns and uses an electric toothbrush, but me. I still prefer the conventional toothbrush. My Mom gave me an extra small toothbrush thingy so I could fit it onto my brother's electric holder (am I making any sense here?) and oh gosh. My nose just vibrates along with the brush in my mouth and I ended up having to multitask even whilst brushing my teeth- brush and rub the nose at the same time.

Mom's got a cool one that beeps after every 30 seconds, prompting you to brush the other part of your mouth. Apparently you're supposed to spend 5 seconds on each tooth, so the whole set of teeth takes 2 minutes. AMAZING HUH. What technology. I can't really be bothered. It makes my nose vibrate (at a high frequency hahahaha).

Hrm what other cool gadgets. Oh yeah the family bread machine (?- maker? Whatever.) It's quite easy to bake bread- you just have to dump all the ingredients in it, press some buttons and some hours later- viola! Fresh bread! The thing is, you are able to set the timer, such that, say- it starts baking whilst you're asleep and is ready when you awake in the morning!

I suspect my Mom slices the bread really thick in the mornings before she rushes off to work and doesn't really have time for equally thin slices. This morning as I made my sammich for brunch, there was some parallex error of some sort, I ended up making a BIG-AS sammich, which I ate till I wanted to die.

I don't think this entry is making any sense. I'm tired and I'm aware I'm speaking (typing) gibberish.

Oh yes I'm very happy for the cell to be using our place if it means convenience for almost everyone! Whoopie! :D

Power 98 is playing a lot of not-so-old skool songs from when I was in high school. Ahh .. reminisce. I'm such a sentimental person. Which could be good and bad at the same time. I realise I keep a LOT of stuffs from well, ages ago. Heaps of letters, little knick-knacks people give me. So much extra baggage.

One last random note. I met the friendliest, most chirpy + cheery bus conductor yesterday as I boarded the bus to school! It really made my day when the bus driver greeted every single commuter "Good morning!" as they went up the bus! I love people who're so positive about everything- the things they do, the stuffs they say, the way they approach situations. People who appreciate everyday in itself, because they're thankful for another day that the Lord hath made.

Such a blessing.